Saturday, March 28, 2020

Something else about Hunts--they're paganist anti-Christs....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Something Else About Hunts--They're Anti-Christs
(Apollonian, 28 Mar 20)

They're not only "ignorant," they're vicious, lying scum, that's the real problem, attacking an outstanding worker for the truth, like Brian, as he explains in the first of these posts about the Hunts.

But then, there's something else at work here. For note Hunts seem to be paganist--anti-Christs--and I assure u Jews have little fear of such moronic paganists, even if they're anti-Semitic. Jews FAR MORE fear serious, true Christians who worship TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all.

For paganists, for one thing, even in all their anti-Semitism, DO NOT UNDERSTAND SATANISM, what it is, how it works--but many, many Christians do. And Jews are Satanists, never doubt, literally, for that's what Satanism is--extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness creates reality, making subject God, the creator--satanism. See,,, and for expo on Judaism/Talmudism.

Note then many gentiles are subjectivistic, even outrightly Satanist, but they're not nearly as connected and collectivistic as Jews are, foremost collectivists, organized, cohesive, and best led among subjectivists, most effective, successful "group-thinkers," thus making Jews dominant leaders among subjectivists and Satanists even though (so far) so heavily out-numbered by the gentiles.

So u can see, without too much effort or difficulty, how Jews quite possibly, even probably, fund and send money to Hunts, even if they do so surreptitiously, Hunts pathetic dupes, in effort to subvert the real Christians and patriots whom Jews fear most, without any doubt--something about which the Hunts haven't even the slightest notion (fear and hatred of Jews against Christianity).

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