Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Christianity only needs philosophic understanding, that's all--drop all the mystic crap and baggage, just THINK, suckers--what could possibly be purpose/function of dear old Christianity?....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Dinh Is On Very Cusp Of True Inspiration, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 21 Aug 19)

(A.) Linh Dinh is a good writer, but he utterly fails to understand Christianity which is the Hegelian "ANTI-THESIS" to Judaism which is simply Satanism (see,, and for best expo on Talmud and Zohar, foundations of Judaism).

Oh, and Satanism is simply EXTREME subjectivism, idea reality is product of consciousness/mind, while Christianity upholds the Aristotelian objective reality (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6 ).

Thus Christianity is PHILOSOPHY, at root, anti-thesis to satanic Judaism (also philosophy, at root), the Pharisaic forbears being the ones Christ denounced and repudiated as HERETICS who rejected the Mosaic law, substituting their "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" (INTERPRETATION) by which now Moses means whatever the rabbis profess and determine--subjectivism.

Thus Christ = TRUTH (JOHN 14:6), which truth couldn't exist without the OBJECTIVE reality as reference and criterion.

What Linh Dinh and sooooo many others utterly overlook is the sublime satanic genius to the Talmudists for their COLLECTIVIST organization and "group-think" of subjectivists and subjectivism who lead, dominate, manipulate, and rule over all the other subjectivists, especially among the goyim, who, though far more numerous, are far less organized, thus allowing and permitting the Jews to rule and dominate--for the Jews are ORGANIZED, cohesive, united, and hence much better led.

Further, note and observe the Jews and satanic suck-alongs control that KEY existential machine, the central-banking (legalized counterfeiting) which just churns out evermore currency (not real money--see for expo on central-banking). Jews will always dominate as long as that central-bank continues putting out evermore currency which allows Jews to buy practically EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE--certainly as long as people continue to accept that fake "money" for payment for goods and svcs. So Jews and Satanists own all the politicians and judges--like Trump--so they rule, and the goyim suck-alongs willingly, even cheerfully enforce things for them, Jews (and Satanists) the proverbial "tail" wagging the dumb "dog."

Note that dumbass moron, Phil Giraldi, NEVER mentions the central-bank as Jews' foremost, essential instrument of control over goyim--Giraldi just blabbing and babbling like the ignorant fool he really is, not capable of understanding how the world works--by means of that key mechanism, the central-banks.

(B.) Thus, as reality is objective, it is DETERMINED according to absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will, and history is CYCLIC according to Oswald Spengler and "Decline of the West." So we'll always have CYCLIC "end-times," as of Book of Revelations--and as Spengler so brilliantly describes.

Doubt the satanic nature of present "end times"?--observe United Nations (UN) Agenda-21 and -2030 "population-reduction" (GENOCIDE, suckers), presently being enacted by poison GMO foods, poison ("fluoridated") water supplies, poison "mandatory" vaccines, poison "chem-trails" and "geo-engineering," etc. One could go on and on for satanic examples.

Don't forget the Christian determinist doctrine of sin by which humans are doomed without grace and mercy of God's salvation--there's no perfectly "free" will, and one cannot evade one's human nature--SELF-INTEREST which only needs guidance of REASON which operates upon necessary assumption of objective reality--which can't be formally "proven" in logic as first premises have no premises before them.

But Dinh manfully struggles to making sense of things--keep trying Linh, thou have done well so far, just keep up thy efforts. Thus we have an over-population of "liberals" and "progressives" who enforce the rule of Satanists, and these poor, stupid "leftists," filled w. hubris of imagined "free" will, just need to be thinned-out, removed, and over-thrown (along w. the Satanists)--we need a GENUINE Christian "revival"--a re-affirmation of genuine Western culture which is Aristotelian (objective and determined)--against the present satanic (subjectivistic). Once Dinh catches on to the real, BASIC philosophic implications, he's going to be fine, I suspect--we need more outstanding writers like Dinh.

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