Thursday, February 14, 2019

Gabbard surely has enough personal force within character to stand as candidate for Pres.....

Below-copied by ap submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Note Gabbard Is Necessary, Quite Plausible Choice For Political Electioneering--Anti-War
(Apollonian, 14 Feb 19)

So Giraldi asks the question, will Gabbard get enough of the Jew vote, meaning the money-power vote?--like Trump did?

For note Trump represents the new power among the top Jew money-power. Previous to state of Israel, of course, the dominant power was the usual CFR (council on foreign relations)-associated oligarchs, always "liberal," "leftist," etc.--including those who backed Eisenhower in 1952 who removed the more conservative Taft contingent.

Now the neo-con "rightist"-styled money-power behind Israel-first has become quite dominant, the victory of Trump demonstrating, Trump now the front-man for the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) evangelicals, up to 40 million strong, against abortion, and in favor of Israeli terror-state--HENCE PERPETUAL WAR (just ck the history).

Giraldi is a great writer, but I only wish he'd turn his considerable attn. to this "money-power" theme which is the REAL, under-lying, practical, existential power and force. Jews only do the necessary and indicated thing to controlling this instrument, known as "CENTRAL-BANKING" which substitutes (practically infinite in potential amount) CURRENCY for real money, real money required to be FINITE in amount, commodity-based, w. "intrinsic value," gold/silver being best. See for expo; use the site search-engine for particular terms.

Thus whoever controls this central-bank and fiat currency has a practically INFINITE resource, capable of incessant issues of evermore waves and oceans of currency by means of "INFLATION," the proliferation of evermore currency, which however, is (necessarily) constantly devalued, the people evermore defrauded, the currency losing value, the people despoiled for everything they ever owned, including the shirts off their backs (present-day Venezuela being latest case-in-pt.).

Problem, again, is MONEY, ironic as it may seem, is an abstract conception and subject-matter, hence only (fully and sufficiently) understandable by very small portion of people, perhaps less than 5 % of the population. But the one thing that can be said w. assurance is that CURRENCY is DESIGNED to be "inflated," proliferated, replicated, hence the currency units steadily losing value, the people horribly defrauded and ripped-off over time.

Thus as the "money" subject-matter is abstract, it is endlessly capable of confusion by means of jargon and complexity, and over-populated goons, suckers, losers, weaklings, and inferiors are sure to be stampeded into voting for the inflationists who are the very ones behind Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy, among the other measures of socialist state mass-murder and world dictatorship.

Currency always destroys the culture and society; real money, like gold/silver, always builds and prospers, but because real money is necessarily FINITE in amount, the stupid, over-populated masses of people are always turned against it.

So Gabbard would surely seem to have a difficult row to hoe not being in favor of perpetual war against (non-existent) "evil" which "evil" is always defined as anything against sacred Israel, the foremost terror-state for "good and virtue"--but note fiat currency is practically endless--all one needs is paper and ink--indeed, nowadays, it doesn't even need that, capable of being digitalized (by computer keystrokes).

Regardless, note USA is DOOOOOOMED in CYCLIC Spenglerian "Decline of the West"--it will keep degenerating long as the central-bank and fiat-currency continue being accepted by the brainless, TV-addicted goons who are so obviously and plainly over-populated in the utterly corrupt, decadent, and hubristic empire of USA. Only real money, like gold/silver can save USA, that and revival of states-rights, nullification, and secession. Amen.

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