Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hoffman describes Talmud w. accuracy, but cannot apply a strict, rationalist analysis--why?--because he's mystic, Pharisaic, desperate to pretend to "good" and "charity"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...c-law-not.html

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Hoffman's Failure For Philosophic Analysis
(Apollonian, 18 Oct 17)

Hoffman admits essence of his entire philosophy in his first sentence, last paragraph, this article, "[o]ne wants to be charitable." Indeed, this is Hoffman's entire and primary impetus--he wants to play the virtuous, the "moral," the "mighty-white," no less than the Pharisees he pretends to criticize.

Indeed, Hoffman would rather be "charitable" (and "mighty-white") than to be TRUTHFUL, in accord w. Christ = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, above all (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

And the ESSENCE of Talmudism is (a) SUBJECTIVISM--law and reality means whatever rabbis say it does, all in accord w. "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition." (b) Further, the Jews practice a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, a sublime, well-organized, and well-led sort of "group-think," by which Jews co-operate and thus lead the rest of the subjectivists, esp. among the gentiles, which gentiles are far less organized than the Jews, the Jews thus allowed and enabled thereby to dominate and manipulate these subjectivistic gentiles.

And note satanism is (extreme) subjectivism, the "philosophy" by which one makes oneself God, holding that consciousness/mentality is the genesis of all reality, the Jews merely colluding upon a collectivistic version of this subjectivism, Jews thus dominating the more nihilistic, dis-organized, individualistic subjectivist gentiles.

Such then is the philosophy, sociology, and psychology of Talmudism, extreme subjectivism and satanism, and the effect upon the corrupt gentile culture, originally founded upon Christianity and TRUTH (= Christ), truth understood as only meaningful as it is based upon the OBJECTIVE reality, objectivity a necessary philosophic assumption, that objective reality understood as God-given and -created.

Thus the necessary pretext to subjectivism (hence Talmudism/Judaism) is MORALISM, the fallacious and hereticalist idea of "good-evil," which doesn't exist in a God-given world of strict determinism and absolute cause-effect, the only will being God's will, there being no possible human "free"-will, humans being sinners, incapable of "good" which doesn't exist, there being no possible or conceivable premise/criterion, known to Christianity and St. Augustine as Pelagian heresy, equating to Pharisaism.

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