Saturday, August 12, 2017

People need to make serious, honest effort to grasp role, function, place, purpose of Jews and satanists--they're not "evil"--they're rather a disease....

[Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...rved-to.html.]

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Jews, Talmudists Leaders Of Satanic Death Cult
(Apollonian, 12 Aug 17)

Derek, above, at 1:36 am, actually brings-up a serious, genuine, and substantial problem/issue: how in heck did we ever get Jews?--or satanists?--what's their (Jews and satanist) real sociologic, biologic purpose, place, and function? I submit God inflicts Jews upon an over-populated, now corrupt gentile civilization in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Jews (and satanists, in general) function exactly as the great Plague did in Europe in middle of 14th cent. ("Black Plague").

What happens, as we see fm history, is the great Christian, new Renaissance civilization was soooo successful, productive and prosperous that a great, tremendous mass of population was generated, but which became too much for the circumstances of the culture which struggled to accommodate the great new masses of population. Thus God acts so as to "cull the herd," so to speak. Black Plague was one instance of this natural action of de-population. Jews and Satanism is another means of de-population.

Thus the honest Christian human observes the strict OBJECTIVE nature of reality, hence Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth then being the simple observation and reflection of the God-given, hence objective reality. But as humanity becomes over-populated by the previously successful civilization, out-running the basic circumstances of actual living conditions, these humans tend to becoming vain, smug, pretentious, and smitten w. HUBRIS, the idea they've attained to Godly powers of creating reality. These over-populated humans lose their OBJECTIVITY, and become evermore subjectivistic, subjectivism being the idea that all reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality. Satanism then, is extreme form of this subjectivism.

Thus as such widespread, extreme subjectivism is hubris, at first, it progresses to outright SATANISM as it becomes entrenched in the culture, as the culture begins to degenerate and "decline," according to Oswald Spengler, for thematic example. The Old Testament tells us about the great "Tower of Babel" situation and episode for one notable example.

Thus Jews are FOREMOST satanists and subjectivists, being the ultimate COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, engaged in most effective "group-think," Jews most cohesive, most highly organized, and best led, collectivistically aiming at total dominance of the corrupt and degenerate culture which is finally attained by means of that ultimate criminal enterprise of "central-banking" by which real money, commodity-based, is replaced by CURRENCY fraud, enforced by government and such as legal-tender laws--literally LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING.

So Jews then lead the Satanist cultural element, steadily taking control of the entire culture, enslaving the population, as by means of debt, the culture now in precipitous, irreversible "decline," as we see, and by means of nearly endless "inflation" (replication/proliferation of the currency units), so that the people are eventually rendered totally impoverished, only Jews and their elite suck-alongs among gentiles enjoying any sort of wealth.

Hoffman well demonstrates the extreme subjectivism of the Jews, Jews working by means of "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition," of and against the original Mosaic law (Torah), by which the law of God is made to be of "none effect," according to Christ (see Gosp.s MARK ch. 7, MATT ch. 15), which "interpretation" Christ vehemently repudiated.

So the present Christian/rationalist task is in education, such as it is possible and feasible, for preaching the OBJECTIVE reality and hence, TRUTH of Christ to the people against the regnant Satanist (subjectivistic) establishment of society as we see it's become, w. Jesuit pope, holohoax religion dominating, and "Israeli" Pharisaics leading the over-populated, corrupt, and beguiled people to perdition and suicide of Agenda-21 and, lately, -30 addendum, genocide and "population reduction." For Satanism is a death-cult, never forget, the people in their hubristic misery needing and wanting reduction in population, and constant warfare and in-fighting among the people being satanic political means-to-ends--DEATH and death-worship.

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