Thursday, May 18, 2017

The way satanist fascists work, censorship, suppression upon false premises....

Fascist Censorship Problem At Mises.Org
(Apollonian, 18 May 17)

I've a problem w. the institute, specifically regarding the article blogs section fm which now I've been un-reasonably banned, censored, and suppressed, and I want to specifically bring this to attn. of Deist.

I've attempted to sending msgs to both the site for general msgs, and I've also sent to McMaken, the person in charge of the article blogs section, and I get no response.

So what's happened is my general thesis, a serious, substantial thesis, carefully defined, for the the cultural malady of what I characterize as "satanism" is evidently being used as excuse and pretext for banning, censorship, and deliberate, fascist-style suppression.

Evidently, as there's no word fm McMaken, the pretext for this banning, censorship, and suppression is the so-called "religious" nature, the idea of "religion" being left as something un-defined and then supposedly anti-thetical and/or irrelevant to, this "satanism" even to be understood as offensive.

But as I note in my discourse over several, even DOZENS of notes in several and numerous blogs and comments there at, this "satanism" is ALWAYS used in a clinical, quite secular manner, namely extreme subjectivism, "satanism" being mere characterization. And I would submit my note at comments section,, as illustrative case-in-pt., as it's there my following note was used as pretext for banning, censorship.

So I'm trying to bring this to people's attn., including now Deist, and pt. is my legitimate thesis is being outrageously censored and suppressed which ought not to happen for a supposedly "libertarian" -spirited site and organization as Rather, I think its most appropriate for pursuing discussion in very spirit I explicitly invoke in that comments thread, and indeed, other threads there too, at the site. Thanks for ur help in this matter.

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