Monday, March 20, 2017

satanism is worship of death, religion of anti-Christs, mass-murderers, the means of destroying, exterminating over-populated goyim....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but perhaps not published, at comments,

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Judaism = satanism = Death Worship
(Apollonian, 20 Mar 17)

Hoffman: there's no "righteous Judaic" anymore than there's "righteous psychopath." "Judaics" need to take responsibility for understanding what their filthy, satanic "religion," such as it is, is really all about--anti-humanity, anti-reason, anti-Christ, by definition. And why do I need to tell u, of all people, about what Judaism/Talmud is about?

And "Herskovitz has no beef w. ordinary Jews"?--no, no more than "beef" w. ordinary psychopaths, eh? But all this anti-Christianity actually works and passes, given circumstances of Spenglerian "Decline of the West," doesn't it?--USA and West now over-populated w. hubristic fools and goons who find it the fashionable thing for tolerating Jews and anti-Christianity. Hubris is madness itself, no doubt, and it's why and how societies decline, collapse, and disappear.

See Hoffman, there's excellent reason to hate Jews, and anti-semitism is mere obedience to God, JUSTICE and reason for purpose of self-defense against these monsters. Christians and Westerners should proudly be anti-semitic and say WHY. For Judaism is satanism, making themselves God, satanism being extreme subjectivism, subjectivism the idea that all reality is mere product of mind/consciousness.

And one only needs note the interesting thing that while satanism and (extreme) subjectivism practiced merely by the individual leads to psychosis, madness, and death, if it's practiced collectively, and w. deft leadership, as by Jews and masons, it can be extremely effective, eventually achieving the supreme criminal enterprise, legalized counterfeiting, the central bank (see for best, fullest expo) which, once established, soon enough CONTROLS EVERYTHING and everybody--as we see, the United Nations pushing "Agenda-21" de-population, genocide, even if by slow-kill methods, as by poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, poison GMO foods, etc.

For after all, isn't and wouldn't satanism only naturally and logically be worship of DEATH itself?

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