Friday, December 30, 2016

Don't doubt: satanism, subjectivism victimizes and makes u nutty....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: Victim Of Spenglerian "Decline Of West"?
(Apollonian, 30 Dec 16)

Mr. Goody asks, "Whaaa? Passive aggressive? Now you are a shrink? -above, Dec 29, 2016, 11:04:00 AM

I took some psych classes, but why would one have to be "shrink"?--why not just be observant student of psychology? Did u fail to note my satirical essay, above, at Dec 27, 2016, 4:12:00 PM? Who do u think u are, Mr. Goody?--George Stephanopoulos?

For who writes like u do?--"I asked a group of military veterans the other day some questions...."

U seem to imagine u're like a celebrity who's paid to speak before audiences and groups, eh?--like George Stephenopoulos, eh? Did the "group" reply to ur questions in unison, or did they all talk in order, one after the other?--ho ho ho ho ho. U're a joke, Mr. Goody.

U seem to have a screw loose, Mr. Goody.

Then u ask, "Are Satanists different or just more of the same?" -Dec 29, 2016, 11:10:00 AM

But it's not first time I explained to u about satanism, is it, Mr. Goody?--u forget things sooooooo easily, don't u?--how is this, Mr. Goody?

U forget simplest things because u live in a subjectivistic world, don't u?--a world in which u're "good," right?--that's how u became our dearest "Mr. Goody," right?

So u see, Mr. Goody, how ur subjectivism rather fails to serve u, eh?--u can't even remember info (about satanism) given to u in ur own blogs. U imagine u're like George Stephenopoulos, talking to "groups," ho ho ho ho.

No, I'm not a "shrink," but I can tell when someone (like u, Mr. Goody) isn't all there, eh?--isn't that true of many people?--does it mean we're all "shrinks"?--I don't think so.

So u see, Mr. Goody, I submit u're another victim of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, u taken-up along w. the general cultural hubris, so subjectivistic in ur moralistic manner, pretending u speak to "groups," ho ho ho ho ho--and forgetting simple things which have been explained to u several times, even, in ur own blogs' comment sections. Question is who is it u really think u're fooling, Mr. Goody?--'cause the answer is u fool urself most of all, and it's not a pretty sight, buddy.

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