Thursday, November 17, 2016

Jew satanists can't allow satanists be identified as such, or analyzed as (extreme) subjectivism--because that's Jews!....

Jews Can't Allow satanists Named, Analyzed Explicitly As Such--satanists, Hence Subjectivists
(Apollonian, 17 Nov 16)

The (organized by Jews) satanists are psychotic and now, at this pt., so filled w. hubris of their own that (a) they're fighting among themselves--that's why Trump (leading the "good kikes") defeated hitlery (leader of the "globalists"), ho ho ho ho. So the patriots have won a slight reprieve by means of Trump, bless his Jewwy heart.

(b) Satanists are hysterical and they're not letting-up over the election which they lost, their leader, Soros, continuing w. non-stop lies, propaganda, paying "protesters" to riot relentlessly, night after night, this even though the election is over. So what's going to happen? Well, satanists are considering killing Trump, evidently. The dumb, brainless bastards--the "people"--better take heed, there may be another false-flag coming to cover Trump assassination.

Notice also, the great sin denounced by these satanists is RACISM, ho ho ho ho ho. Too bad the dumb, brainless scum (the "people") can't think to retort that racism is virtue, virtue of LOYALTY--ck any dictionary. Dumb, brainless scum, however, don't have (a) brains of their own, or (b) decent leadership. For observe these satanist scum get away w. their antics, as we see, and the morons, including Trump and such as Ajax Jones of who pretend to lead, don't have the wit to pt. out the obvious satanism of Soros, hitlery, et al., or that racism is actually quite rational virtue. Ajax Jones, as usual, is out-of-breath denying desperately he's racist, ho ho ho ho, the stupid, fat-headed hill-billy, ho ho ho ho oho.

So the satanists have their victims playing their game, these stupid victims (such as Trump and fat-head Jones) led and counseled by Jews falling all over themselves denying they're racist, failing to pt. out and emphasizing satanism. For identifying satanism properly as (extreme) subjectivism would ruin Jones' game for pretending to "good-evil," as well as exposing Jews, because subjectivism and satanism is what Judaism is all about--Jews can't have this to becoming common knowledge of the people, people being stupid, brainless scum, to such a great extent.

So remember: the big thing is top satanists (JEWS, suckers) want to saddle the people w. Jewwy leadership as Trump and Ajax Jones.

Necessary answer for people, in abstract, is emphasizing Christian truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) absolutely anti-semitic, opposed to Jew filth and their lies (JOHN 8:44) built on subjectivism. More specifically, we need emphasis upon states-rights, nullification, and gold and silver, real money, not currency.

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