Friday, October 2, 2015

Tyrannic satanism (extreme subjectivism) evermore in-ur-face, evermore blatant, un-deniable--citizens must be armed....

Below-copied first submitted at

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Satanism: Evermore Blatant, Obvious, Explicit
(Apollonian, 2 Oct 15)

Yes vorlos, but note (a) citizens have all the rights, always, necessarily, and (b) we need be armed in order to overthrow tyranny which is precisely what we got if people only stop to look and think.

(c) Only goons could or would fail to note the tyranny, in ur face, Jews ruling, pushing the homosexual goons, importing literal invading aliens, trained terrorists among them. Didja' hear in Germany--they kicked-out the German citizens fm their gov.-subsidized housing in favor of invading aliens? So who's gov. working for?--NOT the citizens.

(d) Evermore, the blatant Satanism becomes in-ur-face--who could mistake?--only the brain-damaged--NO WONDER ZOG pushes the toxic vaccines making the autistic kids--if they survive.

(e) And the Jew-owned big-Pharma continues to push the deadly drugs, and the other Jew-owned/controlled corps. continue to push the GMO foods, etc.

And what then is essence, basis of this satanism?--it's extreme subjectivism whence all reality is held to be mere issuance of one's mentality/consciousness, hubris--making oneself God, the creator.

Thus Christ assures us of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which can only exist in accord w. OBJECTIVE reality, God-created, according to the allegory, Christ opposing Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) built on subjectivism ("midrash").

Thus in the corrupted, "Decline of the West," within the phony "prosperity" and advancing subjectivism, Jews dominate, rule, and control--WHY/how?--because, given the subjectivism, Pharisaism, and nihilist corruption, Jews remain organized, united, and "connected" among the isolated, moronically "individualist" gentiles, even though these moronic gentiles may vastly out-number Jews.

Necessary answer then is plain: the REAL Christianity, rationalist in accord w. Holy Spirit, consisting of REASON and honesty, appropriate to truth and objective reality, hence anti-semitism, anti-subjectivism, and emphasis upon state and local gov. (10th amendment)--against the Jew-oriented, Jew-serving central collectivist dictatorship.

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