Thursday, April 30, 2015

Well, it's no trouble for HONEST folk to see who rules....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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To See The Truth Only Requires Holy Spirit--Honesty, Reason: Courage Then Speaks, Concludes
(Apollonian, 30 Apr 15)

All u gotta do is analyze things--u're un-questionably on right track.  Simply remember the pyramidal sociologic network of control--WHO WORKS FOR WHO?  Thus u can eliminate blacks as rulers, though some of them are used as enforcers, no doubt.

And observe it's Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. satanic lies (JOHN 8:44), criminals, traitors, psychopaths, and murderers--so, who leads the satanists? (like they led and still lead the bolshies)--who are most anti-Christ, according to their very satanic religion which GLOATS over having killed Christ?

Are gays anything more than narcissists addicted to sense-gratification who want access to children?--are these really leadership -types?--I don't think so.

And what's most POWERFUL position in sociologic/economic scheme of things?--isn't it "banker" criminals who are allowed to legally COUNTERFEIT the money-supply?--isn't it OBVIOUS?

Do u notice the politicians, Rep., Dem., and "independent," sucking-up so abjectly and pathetically to the "money-men"?--they (who control the funds) ain't Christian are they?  So by means of process of elimination EVERYONE KNOWS who u can't criticize--and who rules.

Aside fm the top banking and financial positions, who is it who notoriously owns and controls the "mainstream" media?  Who's GROSSLY over-represented on US Supreme court?--it ain't Christians, is it?  Who ABSOLUTELY dominates porn industry, snuff-films, and child-sacrifice?

These satanists even dominate, control, and intimidate establishment Christianity, so absolute is their control.

Truth is, the more one considers, the more one sees the sad and frustrating truth, and never forget the Holy Spirit which entails COURAGE, along w. honesty and reason by which one grasps TRUTH (= Christ) which ultimately sets us free.

So even though it's not healthy to outrightly speak the OBVIOUS truth for conclusion to ur excellent questions, at least we can analyze things and ponder our sad predicament by which we're absolutely TERRORIZED by these devilish psychopaths who are always pretending and whining they're sooooooooooooooooo "persecuted," boo hoo hoo hoo hooo

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