Thursday, August 9, 2018

REAL Christianity absolutely necessary for liberation against present satanic dictatorship, led by Jew satanists....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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REAL Christianity De-Activated, Forgotten In Reign Of Satanism
(Apollonian, 9 Aug 18)

What? (see below-copied)--well people, quite a number, no doubt, DO know and see Sandy hoax was false-flag--but they ALSO know JFK was conspiracy too, don't they? In fact, putting blame on L. H. Oswald is such a joke, now that J. Vary Baker's works have come out.

And 9/11?--only Jews and Israel COULD possibly have done it (see, but as it served interests of "leftists" (of the elite top) and "globalists," they're keeping quiet about it, and the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) "evangelical" dupes are too stupid and cowardly to doing anything but what their leaders ("neo-cons") tell them. So all establishment "Christianity" follows along w. "neo-cons," most pathetic prisoners.

So Sandy hoax was PSY-OPS, purpose being to keeping the people (a) confused, be-fuddled, off-balance, and (b) TERRORIZED. In fact, (a) leads to (b), and that's what they (Jew/satanic powers) want.

Problem w. Fetzer, Halbig, Tracy, and "many Moore" is these people FAIL to otherwise LEAD the people for thematic and forgotten Christian anti-semitism and anti-satanism which has gone by the way-side in the present, ruling cultural SATANISM which has taken-over the culture, society, and economy, it all having peaked and now evermore degenerating in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

For Christianity, THE REAL THING, upholds TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, such "truth" impossible without the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality serving as necessary foundation--against Jew/satanic LIES (JOHN 8:44).

So don't doubt, Fetzer, Halbig, Tracy, and "many Moore" are all gross, miserable FAILURES in their own manner and way, without any doubt--and it's an important thing to ponder and consider for such pathetic, horrendous cultural and philosophic FAILURE, when u stop to think.

And HOW has Christianity become such a joke?--even to extent it isn't understood for what it REALLY is supposed to be? Simple: establishment "Christianity" is now mere bought-and-paid-for WHORE, in pay of Jews and satanists, controlled by "vatican" (which IS NOT NOT NOT the "church"), and other paid-agents, child-molesters, et. al.

And this amazing whore-dom of Christianity has come-about by means of central-banking criminal empire, legalized counterfeiting, literally--see for expo; use site search-engine. Fetzer, Halbig, Tracy, and "many Moore," are utterly without a clue for this larger satanic conspiracy and cultural collapse.

-----------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------------

Chris Calo August 8, 2018 at 10:48 PM

It's so important to see sandyhook was a false flag,because if they lied about one how many more,are lies,I love in Boston that bombing was worse than sandyhook,Thank God for guys like Jim Fetzer,Wolfgang Halbig,Jim Tracy,and many Moore

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