Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Ho ho ho ho ho--illegal censorship by criminal monopoly hits ANOTHER dumb-ass, hoh o ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Eowyn Needs Merely Face-Up To Monopolistic Conspiracy, Headed By Central-Banking
(Apollonian, 14 Aug 18)

Ho ho ho ho ho ho, Eowyn: SERVES U RIGHT, SUCKER. Just think about all those poor commenters who tried to posting on ur blog, BUT then u deleted them--or just neglected to "approve" and posting the comment(s), eh? hoh o ho hoho--now u know how it feels, right?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.

But then there's a slight diff., isn't there? For in ur case, u're the editor of ur blog, and deleting someones comment doesn't necessarily mean they can't put it up somewhere else, there being PLENTY of possible places for the comment to be posted--even on that someone's own blog--they can get one just as easily as u can for ur own (a).

(b) The specific diff. is that "wordpress" is surely a "common-carrier" (or part of a larger one), a MONOPOLY--like Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube (owned by Jewgle). And these sorts of monopolies are no essentially diff. fm the phone co., or the electric co., or the water co.--they're UTILITIES (monopolies).

(c) And in specific cases of Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, they're monopolies which were originally built w. TAX-PAYERS' funds and money, enjoyed favorable legislation and regulation, and thence deliberately sold-off to, and bought by selected operators under control and mentorship of "deep-state" oligarchs--same oligarchs behind the central-bank MONOPOLY, a criminal enterprise and conspiracy featuring (nearly infinite) "currency," not real money, enforced by gov. "legal-tender" laws, etc.--see for expo on central-banking; use site search-engine.

So u, and Tracy, and now Ajax Jewns ( are victims of the "deep-state" conspirators and monopolists behind the central-bank. So does it occur to u now that this central-bank is existential base of the satanic power which literally controls society, culture, and economy? The only next-step is the abstract nature of satanism which is extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making the subject to be God.

For there's NOTHING more fundamental to the economy or society than this central-bank entity, criminal-enterprise which controls everyone and everything, literally and necessarily, directly and/or indirectly. For with (nearly) infinite currency, central-bank necessarily ends-up owning EVERYTHING and everybody.

The central-bank literally has the "Midas-touch," w. the God-like power to "creating" currency (though not real money), LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING--which they can do, though we citizens can't do it for penalty of being tossed in jail (which has actually happened to certain folks).

Thus the criminal central-bank is the head of the snake which creates and controls ALL THE OTHER SUBSIDIARY MONOPOLIES, like "Big (Jew) Pharma, presently poisoning and mass-murdering millions every year, the Jews-media, lying and mis-informing everyone w. impunity, and now, as we see, big I-net "tech," Jewgle, Jew-book, Jew-tube, etc.

So Eowyn, u've just got to figure-out the MONOPOLIST CONSPIRACY which has just dealt w. u, big I-net "tech," necessarily controlled and taking orders fm the topmost (illegal) MONOPOLY, the central-bank, which issues all the legally counterfeited currency, wave after wave after wave of this crap, steadily destroying the buying-power and wealth of the people and culture.

So get a brain, Eowyn, and face-up to the existential culprit presently oppressing the people--the central-bank which issues practically INFINITE currency, w. power of "legal-tender," destroying the people by means of "INFLATION," as it has before in hist., so many times. MONOPOLY is dictatorship.

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