Tuesday, August 7, 2018

What AMAZING, blatant, brazen contempt for people of Jew S A (used to be USA, don't forget)--but isn't it TYPICAL of satanic hatred, contempt for reason, reality?....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Who Could Possibly Fail To See Blatant, Brazen Strong-Arm Dictatorship, Contempt For People, Rights?
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 18)

I think this is absolutely amazing how brazenly, in-ur-face these Jewwy satanic scum come-out now for their outright dictatorship and censorship (as of Ajax Jewns,

And observe how stupidly they do it, giving moronic pretexts in such idiot, meaningless generalities, like "hate-speech" and "bullying"--which all means whatever they want it to mean--SUBJECTIVISM, essence of satanism.

And people KNOW they (Jew-book, Jew-tube, Jewgle) are all monopolies, having been so heavily funded by tax-payer money, now pretending they're "privately-owned" w. right to do as they pls, the scummy, stinking puke--is there, could there be anything more fascist?

Lies upon lies, upon lies--is there, could there be any doubt about the satanic level of degeneration for our once vibrant culture?--but what do u expect w. Jews? See,, and for Talmudic expo.

And it's blatant monopolization, never doubt, beginning w. the topmost criminal enterprise(s) which dominates and rules the culture so absolutely, the central-bank(s), legalized counterfeiting, literally--see for expo; use their site search-engine.

And the people MUST understand the end and goal, dictatorship and GENOCIDE, in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030. People have to get brains to save their very lives, I swear.

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