Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mere details are worthless without the basic principles w. which details must be integrated....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Penn Mag Must Discover Necessity Of Basic Principles, Like Original Anti-Semitic Christianity
(Apollonian, 25 Jul 18)

Penn Magazine is largely worthless and irrelevant as it totally lacks necessary cultural analysis, USA now become Jew S A, the "dog" now being wagged by Israeli terror-state "tail."

Further, Penn can't even ID Israeli terror-state as mere part of the "deep-state" establishment consisting of pretend "right" and "left" factions, Jews in general dominating, guiding, manipulating, and ruling this satanic deep-state.

Thus for practical purposes, Jew-dominated, satanic deep-state rules first and most by means of the CENTRAL-BANK criminal enterprise instrument/weapon, literally legalized counterfeiting, which issues forth w. nearly INFINITE currency, not real money, commodity-based. See for expo on central-bank.

Penn Mag doesn't grasp, for further example, the satanic nature as basically extreme SUBJECTIVISM, idea mind/consciousness creates reality, making oneself God (a), and then (b) how then Jews naturally dominate these satanic circumstances, Jews being highly organized and COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, w. most effective "group-think," naturally then dominating less connected/organized goyim satanists. See,, and for expo on Jews and their filthy satanic religion.

At best, Penn merely supplies some details which Penn yet is incapable of generalizing and integrating for necessary inductive conclusions to the CYCLIC nature of history and "Decline of the West" (by Oswald Spengler) in hubris and satanism.

So what then, if the "leaders" are corrupt and traitors?--for what diff. does it make when the people, so many of them, are just brainless, stupid goons, morons, suckers, and utterly corrupt addicts for TV and poison GMO foods ("bread and circuses") to be munched as these scum watch their cheap entertainment and idiot football games?

Thus the people must re-discover the real, hence the ANTI-SEMITIC, nature of original Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which is necessarily founded upon objective reality, against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44) and subjectivism.

Thus Penn is so irrelevant as it fails to grasp basic principles and then crucial significance of that central-bank instrument/weapon which destroys the people by means of currency which steadily loses value w. the continuing issuances of more and new currency, that currency soon to becoming totally worthless.

People must immediately get back to using only REAL MONEY, not currency, to saving their very lives. Further, US Constitution, states-rights and -sovereignty, nullification and primacy of local gov. must be heeded, observed, and undertaken.

These then, above-noted general principles, are what must be emphasized and featured which Penn knows too little, featuring dis-connected details, telling us little we don't already know.

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