Friday, July 27, 2018

All inductive logic, facts, common-sense tells u, SCREAMS who did 9/11, suckers--how stupid can people be?....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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As Stupid Gentiles Continue Not Heeding Induction, Logic, Plain Facts, They Will Continue To Suffer
(Apollonian, 27 Jul 18)

Ever hrd of "it's Jews, stupid"? Ho ho ho ho. And yes, of course, I'm prejudiced--the whole world has long been prejudiced, and rightly so, against Jew criminals and murderers who worship lies, criminality, and mass-murder--it's the essence of Jew religion--SATANISM (extreme subjectivism, the mind/consciousness as creator of reality, making subject to be God), sucker--"midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," by which Torah is made to mean anything they (rabbis) want it to mean. See,, and for expo on Jew "religion."

So since we KNOW Jews are topmost criminals and satanists responsible for and controlling all organized crime, of which they and only they are the masters, INDUCTIVE logic REQUIRES we suspect kikes, and that kikes now have to PROVE they didn't do it--which they can't do. Hence Jews now simply must be dealt with in appropriate fashion. And everyone knows it, deep-down, never doubt.

Jews are satanic criminals--such is their very religion. And observe their filthy, satanic Holy days celebrate mass-murder, as at Passover and Purim.

Easy thing to do, in theory, anyway, is to REMOVE Jews/satanists' main instrument/weapon, the central-bank(s), like US Fed, IMF, BIS, ECB, etc.--see for expo on central-bank; use their site search engine.

For central-banking features INFINITE currency--NOT NOT NOT real MONEY, commodity-based, like gold/silver, this real money the ONLY way to protect the people and their property. Fiat currency (legalized counterfeiting, literally) allows top criminals and kikes to steadily tax away people's wealth simply by means of "inflation," the currency losing value as new currency waves are issued, over and over and over, time after time.

And ask urself: HOW could any crime or any event happen and take place WITHOUT the topmost criminals, who are ALWAYS watching everything, having signed-off on it?--HOW could that happen?--IMPOSSIBLE. And "CUI BONO"?--who benefitted?--kikes, as even Netanyahu admitted at the time, the dumbass, ho ho ho ho.

So as long as the goyim play stupid, not heeding simple inductive logic, they're going to be taken, impoverished, and mass-murdered by the top criminals and satanists, "Jews, stupid."

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------

Dachsie July 25, 2018 at 11:45 AM

“I would welcome comments or speculation as to why Rob refused to endorse it."

I like to analyze what aspects of studying 9-11 that ALL researchers can agree on. I used to think that all agreed on the impossibility of the “official narrative” being true, however I can see that some researchers seem to put forth data and observations that are bound not to contradictory

The subject of “no planes” is a subject that all researchers of 9-11 have been VERY AWARE OF AND VERY CAREFUL ABOUT in how they “deal with” in relation to the body of “evidence” and observations that each researcher and researcher group put forth.

I would also venture to say that from the very beginning long before 9-11 the plotters, planners, and perpetrators of 9-11 were also very aware of and planning for how to handle this topic.

The subject of no planes is part of the WHO DID IT issue and cannot be viewed as separate.

The way the subject of no-planes is dealt with by a researcher is, to me, a litmus test in judging the objectivity and quality of the rest of a researcher’s work.

Let’s count a few of the many ways the no-planes issue has been played with and tip toed around.

Some researchers just totally ignore the issue and put forth a very confined set of data and observations that appear to be telling us “you must look here at this “bombshell evidence” and implying “don’t look there.”

Some play with and manipulate us with the definitions of terms, like Barbara Honneger. I think that is called the logical fallacy of equivocation.
Some imply there can be real planes AND real “controlled demolition materials” in the Towers.

Some do an excellent job of explaining why no-planes is true but at the same time ally themselves with researcher(s) who exclusively confine their data and “theory” to what physically happened at all or only some of the 9-11 “target” sites and never say one word about the no-planes issue or only much later in time since 9-11 find reason to jump in a bit on that subject.

There are many reasons by Mr. Balsamo and “Pilots wants nothing to do with (what has been called) "no planes theory", but must say that just the tone of that attitude is very contradictory to the kind of thinking we hope all pilots have. Now, Pilots even reject even a very neutral objective summary of “facts they have adduced” that support general no-planes deliberations. This rejection takes on the appearance of “reject at all costs”, “reject and have absolutely nothing to do with no matter what.”

THAT is the attitude of like 99 percent of the researchers for 9-11 “truth” that I have observed over the years since my fairly extensive reading on the subject of 9-11 since 9-11-01.

Researchers go through every contortion and distortion of reason and logic and every Sunsteinian strategy to manipulate the minds of “truthers” and destroy the plain truth wherever we may find it.

So to me the question WHY is the no-planes issue such a hot-potato issue. It clearly is and the issue is not being treated objectively, that we know.

An area of 9-11 inquiry that I think is inextricably related to no-planes study and sheds light on WHY the no-planes issue is so important relates to looking at those researchers whose work is characterized by a clear deliberate failure to deal with this issue objectively and honestly. I think there is a clear tight consistency in the way many researchers “treat” or “deal with” topics and terms such as “the Israelis” – the Mossad, the Zionists, the neocons, or the verboten J word. That is the common denominator linking all those 9-11 researchers who strongly adhere to non-objective study of the no-planes issue of 9-11.

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