Saturday, July 28, 2018

There's a big problem w. "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," don't forget--how establishment Christianity (and so many Christians) has degenerated, as we see....

The Problem With "Beleeeeeeeeeevin'" (Like A Moron)--How Establishment Christianity Became satanic
(Apollonian, 28 Jul 18)

Establishment Christianity is thoroughly, totally SATANIC, and that's probably the biggest cultural and psychologic problem, certainly among them. Formerly, Christianity was established as a protection AGAINST satanism (extreme subjectivism). And satanism dominates like it does ESPECIALLY when it dominates established Christianity as it does. The very worst, most organized child-molesters, aside fm Jews, no doubt, are now fm the "Vatican." And Protestants are surely as intense about child-molestation as Catholics.

And HOW do u KNOW satanism dominates established Christianity?--when u see this putrid establishment defending and sympathizing w. Jews and Israel--as u see the "Vatican" doing. So how did and does this satanism come about and arise?

Well first, note HUBRIS and the degenerate, decadent "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, is always a problem, always the potential problem; humans are sinners--they have a tendency to imagine they "create." Thus the satanic stage of hist. and culture is simply the culmination of the CYCLIC historic process--it will happen sooner or later. Life sucks.

But HOW then does this satanism now occur in Christianity, under specific Christian auspices?--it does this by means of the easy, hubristic action and notion of "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'," which so many morons, scum, and half-baked goons imagine is the core and essence of Christianity. This emphasis on "beleeeeeeeevin'" comes esp. fm Gosp. JOHN, don't forget, wherein the word is used nearly a hundred times. It isn't clear what the original Greek word really means, but it seems to come out in English as "beleeeeeeeeeevin'," evidently.

But if one only remembers that Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), one knows it isn't "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," but rather KNOWLEDGE (of truth and Christ) which is the proper virtue. "Beleeeeeeeeevin'" then is inferior to knowledge, more akin to PRETENDING. And "pretending" is reduction to absurd for this "beleeeeeeeeevin'" balderdash. For to say and insist, as the scum do, that "one must beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev," is like saying, "one must PRETEND."

For in Gosp. JOHN, the real virtue of Christianity is surely in the PRACTICING, not mere "beleeeeeeeeevin'." And that genuine practicing and application of the real thing, the real Christianity, is surely what the Gospel most wants to emphasize and convey--knowledge ABOVE mere idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Thus the satanist, pretending to Christianity is brought to think or imagine, by the false "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," that merely and simply by this "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," well gee, the Christian religion and philosophy becomes REAL. But mere "beleeeeeeevin'" doesn't create truth, doesn't make any proposition suddenly true. One can "beleeeeeeeeeev" all one pleases--it still doesn't make a proposition to be true.

But unfortunately for the half-baked scum, they're encouraged to think "beleeeeeeeeevin'" is a virtue, and that it produces worthwhile effects, etc.--I know, as I was one of those fools, though I've since thought better about it all. It wasn't Christainity's fault, merely my own for so pretending and "thinking" in such half-baked manner.

Further, note also, this sort of pretending, called "beleeeeeeeeevin'," is also applied to other things too, not only Christianity--and it's equally defective, for the very same reason. And one soon enough comes to see idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'" as just another version and application of SUBJECTIVISM.

Thus it's easy to see now how and why establishment Christianity, and so many "Christians" has and have become satanic, subject to satanists and satanism.

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