Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Journalist, caught-up in the diversionary details, fails to see real picture for war (probably against Iran)....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Street, Right About Browder, Yet Fails For Ultimate Purposes Of Jews-Media, War, Psy-Ops
(Apollonian, 25 Jul 18)

Regardless anything else, note the Jews-media is a prop. machine, instrument of lies and psy-ops. Ultimately, Jews-media, along w. every other part of "deep-state" is oriented towards satanic war against humanity, specifically aimed at (a) Iran, and/or (b) w. Russia and China, the purpose being to advance Israeli terror-state and/or purpose of genocidal population-reduction, according to Agenda-21 and -2030.

"Deep-state" then, is simply apparatus built around, behind, and at bottom of that crucial instrument/weapon, the central-bank criminal enterprise issuing forth w. oceans of ultimately worthless, but practically infinite in amount CURRENCY, not real money, commodity-based. See for expo; use site search-engine. For only REAL money (i.e., gold/silver) protects citizens and people; currency destroys people and culture.

(c) Note further, some sort of diversion/distraction is needed for impending and CERTAIN economic catastrophe and currency collapse.

So it looks very much like Trump, no less than any other deep-state creature, flunkey for Israel-first and "neo-cons," will accept and then react, on cue, upon the next major false-flag, which false-flags Trump has PROVEN he's perfectly willing to credit, tolerate, and legitimize. Iran seems to be the targeted victim of preference at the moment.

And don't forget, Jew S A, is TOTAL "DOG" TO BE "WAGGED" by terror-state of Israel and deep-state, deep-state now scripted to rely and depend upon legions of traitorous, Israel-sympathetic "evangelical," Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) heretics.

In fact, note ALL ESTABLISHMENT Churches and members thereof are trained to be "faithful," obedient creatures, cattle, and livestock owned by Israeli terror-state and central-bank financial instrument; JCs notoriously active for their support, the very lickspittle shock-troops thereof.

Paul Street thus makes valid pt. regarding the Jew, Browder, who is undoubtedly a worthless criminal, absurdly defended by the buffoon Jews-media working to distract American morons, goons, and suckers who only care about "bread and circuses." But Street's alternative issues, esp. idiot "climate-change," are also the usual diversions/distractions, Street himself dependable lackey of Jews-media, ignoring the real circumstances and issues, working for typical purpose of distraction/diversion, regardless his minor pt. about Browder.

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