Saturday, April 14, 2018

satanism must be understood in most rationalist, practical terms--NOT kept mysterious, abstract....

Here's copy of e-mail (slightly edited) sent by apster:

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One Must Be Most Analytic, Practical For Serious, Genuine Grasp Upon satanism
(Apollonian, 14 Apr 18)

Hello: it's me again. I just now saw ur latest vid, pub. yest., 13 Apr. U talk about "evil" and "satanic," but u don't address the real and basic issues as I presented to u, first email of mine to u, about a week ago. I explained to u satanism is simply, at root, extreme subjectivism, making oneself God, the creator, by means of the simple philosophy of subjectivism, making the mind/consciousness the origin and creator of reality, thus the subject as being God, the creator.

This satanism really comes into effect when it's practiced in collective manner by like-minded people who co-operate in serious group-think to achieving tangible results.

And I further noted for u there's serious difficulty simply DEFINING what is "good-evil," as there's no good premise/criterion that actually works (in all/any situations)--acknowledged by philosophers and ethicists throughout history--"good-evil" is SUBJECTIVE, the very premise to satanism. If there is a real essence and definition to "evil," I simply challenge u to say what it is--u can't.

So, as there's no real "evil," the only real thing about it ("evil") is that it's what we'd call, more accurately, simply insanity. But it's an ironic kind of "insanity"--an insanity that can yet be quite effective and "successful" for certain purposes.

So, instead of indulging in self-righteousness, don't u think it would be more productive to analyze what this real problem of satanism is actually, really all about?--extreme subjectivism, as I noted. And isn't it more productive and useful to analyze the implications and consequences of this genuine sort of satanism/subjectivism?

For as serious satanism is actually insanity, as I note, the question is how/why it's yet so effective, having such a grip upon minds of so many people--how then this satanism works, what it really means, really is--a literal kind of death-worship/death-cult.

And the full analysis of satanism entails how/why it arises--simply the over-population of humanity, satanism then a kind of disease which arises and now works to remove the excess population--as we actually see.

Thus satanism succeeds as enough people support it--quite regardless as to the insanity of it--they don't care, and insane as it may seem to others, it isn't insane to them. Satanism works and succeeds because enough people not only believe in it, but they also work in practical manner to bringing it about in reality, satanism as a collectivistic, group effort, these satanists all co-operating most effectively, much like criminals who co-operate upon a commonly agreed-upon ideal, program, end, and/or outcome.

Ultimately, the (criminal) satanic instrument is achieved, especially CENTRAL-BANKING, which enables these satanists, empowering them--it only requires enough other people, not necessarily overtly satanic themselves, they not knowing entirely what they're about, to going along and allowing the satanists to putting their scheme, like central-banking, into practice.

So once again, I urge u to consider more carefully upon the actual and practical make-up and elements of this very real thing, satanism--it would help other people to understand what it really is and how it works in practical, down-to-earth manner. Thanks for ur consideration of these pt.s I try to make here. A.

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