Thursday, April 5, 2018

The people need to know: it's most practical thing to understand about satanists/satanism--it's no mystery, ain't rocket-science....

Below-copied by ap sent to talk-show host

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satanism Understood In Simplest, Explicit, Practical Terms
(Apollonian, 5 Apr 18)

I just want to put across the idea that we humans (in general) are up against highly organized satanists, BUT we're not without ability to defend ourselves by means of knowledge and fore-warning. And one of the ways to so defend is by understanding exactly what this satanism is in essence and substance.

Thus satanism isn't really a mystery, nor is it too complex to be understood; actually it's rather easy--perhaps the simplicity of it is why it gets by so many. Satanism thus begins and follows fm the simple philosophic premise of SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that reality is merely what the mind/consciousness makes it out to being. Satanism is then extreme subjectivism, the idea that as reality is created by mind/consciousness, the one w. the mind is God, the creator (by definition).

Practical, most effective satanism then is COLLECTIVISTIC, following an agreed-upon set of ideas, by people integrally organized for most effective "group-think"--much like criminals who act in concert, know what they're doing, and follow through in accord w. a well thought-out plan--including even an entire life-style.

Note then the ultimate criminal enterprise, necessarily dominated by satanists, the foremost criminals, is CENTRAL BANKING, legalized counterfeiting, to give an example.

So now the only question is WHO are the most organized satanists?--and we know it's NOT gentiles who are famously un-organized, dis-organized, and known for their individualism--though there are SOME gentiles who operate along w. the top satanists.

And to know WHO are the top satanists, one merely needs to know who are the foremost SUBJECTIVISTS--and these are un-doubtedly the Jews--it doesn't mean that all Jews are on the same level, or that all Jews CONSCIOUSLY practice this sort of collectivistic subjectivism practiced and organized at the same level in same intensity. Consider MOSSAD, just as example--there are ranks and levels within the organization.

As far as the practice, even worship of subjectivism goes, one merely needs to check into and examine the Talmudic religion, including "Cabala" (Zohar) in which concept of "midrash" is key, "midrash" meaning INTERPRETATION (subjectivism). Ck and for expo on the Talmud.

And again, note not all satanists are Jews; in fact, most satanists (extreme subjectivists) are surely gentiles (like Free-masons, for example), BUT the leading, topmost satanists are surely Jews who then organize all satanists and satanism, including gentiles.

So I thought I'd run this about satanism past u here and suggest it's necessary info to be known and understood by humanity in general, and that ur listeners to ur show would surely be highly interested. Thanks for all ur attn. A.

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