Thursday, April 19, 2018

Here's the map of satanic control and influence over the culture, esp. political--heavy on "left," more overt, conscious, but present also on "right," more under-stated....

Map Of Satanic Network In Accord W. Cyclic Theory And Nature
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 18)

The irony of present political-cultural situation regarding satanic assault upon humanity, reason, etc., is there really is a huge move for civil war in Jew S A, the "left" "liberals" being simply satanists, pure and simple. But don't forget or doubt the "right" "conservatives" are no less controlled by satanists at the very top, the mass of "conservatives" being more dupes of satanists than outright advocates for such satanism--esp. in way of the brain-dead "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo on JCs) morons, scum, fools, and suckers.

And Trump will be readily sold-out and served-up by the Israel-first satanists for assassination if and when it's deemed to be opportune because the top satanists overall, who run the central-banking (see for expo, use the search-engine) will find it necessary sooner or later as they're steadily found-out for all their conspiracies and machinations, the central-bank the ultimate weapon for financing of everything. These very same top satanists were responsible for 9/11 false-flag, don't forget--see Chris Bollyn ( on his many Jew-tube expositions.

Thus note these satanists run the overall game for political/cultural purposes of "good Jew" vs. "bad-Jew" btwn the "left" and "right"--everyone else is thus forced to taking a position btwn these two main, large factions in the large charade.

Presently, the "left" "liberals" have been pretty much exposed for the evermore blatant 2016 US Pres. election frauds, but the people, many of them, evermore made informed, aren't fooled for the gross false-flag in Syria used by Trump in the recent bombings and missile-strikes over alleged "chem" attack hoax blamed upon Israel's enemy, Assad, the leader of Syrian gov.

So thus we see the great vulnerability of satanists, as always led by Jews, esp. for the "right" "conservatives" who lead the moronic JCs, for it's relatively simple to educate and inform these JC dummies as to who/what "Jews" are, that "Jews" are NOT same as Judeans, "Jews" by definition followers of Pharisees who led only about 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ, "Jews" following Talmud, NOT Torah, Talmud the interpretation ("midrash") of Torah--see and, also for definitive expo.

Thus we see Christianity is truly anti-semitic, anti-lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), and meant to be so, Christ = truth (JOHN 14:6), truth being dependent and based upon the OBJECTIVE reality, hence Aristotle, against Jew subjectivism ("midrash"-interpretation).

So the advantage of rationalist Christianity, the real thing, is it makes one immune to false "left-right paradigm," "good-Jew vs. bad Jew," exposing the large game being played by satanists at top, dependent upon subjectivism and "good-evil" delusion, founded upon perfectly "free" human will delusion. For if reality is OBJECTIVE, then it MUST be determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, human will not capable of ignoring or forgetting necessity of self-preservation (self-interest), upon penalty of extinction. Thus humanity obligated to LOYALTY to race in accord w. 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)," etc.

Such then are benefits and virtues of Christian honesty, integrity, philosophy, and ethics contained within the Christian literature. But the horror and tribulations of cultural-historical end-times, esp. in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler are necessary dramatization and verification of Christian Holy Spirit, philosophy, and ethics. Life sucks, never forget, and humans are sinners, always trying to cut corners and looking for short-cuts--and always, ultimately, paying the price. Thus w. help of Holy Spirit and history we try to predict and foresee the future.

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