Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Actual, practical satanism/subjectivism as found and occurring in (corrupt) society....

Practical, Actual satanism/Subjectivism, Done By The Morons ("The People"), Even If Un-Wittingly
(Apollonian, 25 Apr 18)

Remember: basically, satanism is simply subjectivism pushed to extreme, reality then become product of consciousness/mentality. So then observe how such moronic subjectivism is actually practiced and expressed as by the scummy puke among "the people"--even by avowed "Christians"--as in guise of pretended virtue of "beleeeeeeeeevin'.

(a) Thus these stupid puke ("the people") imagine it's virtue to beleeeeeeeeeeev crap is true, that beleeeeeeeeevin' then actually making it really true. Thus the "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'" making, in effect, one to be God. To be sure, most of the morons probably don't seriously think they're God--they don't have the intelligence or honesty to admit it. BUT they DO pretend it's true, whatever it is they "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeev," the stupid puke. So u see how these dumb scum, even if they don't realize it, actually practice satanism, pretending their "beleeeeeeeeeeeving" creates reality and/or truth/facts.

Note the word, "believe," is prominent and featured as specific virtue in Gosp. JOHN, mentioned about a hundred times in that Gosp. But observe in the sense used and meant in that Gosp., it really means PRACTICED--as in practitioner of what one genuinely KNOWS and understands fm Christ and the Gospel. So if one accepts Christian philosophy, truth (= Christ, JOHN 14:6) necessarily founded in objective reality, all proper ethics follow, and a true and proper "believer" so understands, practices, and observes, all in LOYALTY ("faith," properly understood) to the proper, basic ideal.

(b) The other actual form and version of relatively wide-spread satanism/subjectivism pushed within this stinking, filthy satanic culture is anti-racism, "racism" then properly understood as LOYALTY and pride. "Pride" then, is relatively minor, but necessary virtue within larger circumstances of warfare among humans, but the real virtue of LOYALTY to one's people is no less than the 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)."

And all honest, realistic people understand racism is virtue, and the pushing of anti-racism is simply moronic expression of a false, actually suicidal morality. Thus we always observe Jews, for foremost example, always denigrating "racism" to the gentiles, but ALWAYS practicing it in obvious loyalty to fellow Jew monsters, ALWAYS--the standing joke of all time.

And of course, as racism, racial loyalty, is AXIOMATIC--cannot not be practiced or expressed, one way or the other--loyalty either for one's own race or for the mixed-race, even if only for practical purposes, even if the moronic puke doesn't realize it.

CONCLUSION: so we see how actual subjectivism/satanism is practiced and fomented within the society as an everyday occurance--it's product of HUBRIS and stupidity, most dangerous when society is over-loaded and over-populated w. stupid scum, esp. "liberals" and "homosexuals," et al., scummy puke pushing their filthy, cheap, putrid "moralism"--all in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Here's the map of satanic control and influence over the culture, esp. political--heavy on "left," more overt, conscious, but present also on "right," more under-stated....

Map Of Satanic Network In Accord W. Cyclic Theory And Nature
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 18)

The irony of present political-cultural situation regarding satanic assault upon humanity, reason, etc., is there really is a huge move for civil war in Jew S A, the "left" "liberals" being simply satanists, pure and simple. But don't forget or doubt the "right" "conservatives" are no less controlled by satanists at the very top, the mass of "conservatives" being more dupes of satanists than outright advocates for such satanism--esp. in way of the brain-dead "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo on JCs) morons, scum, fools, and suckers.

And Trump will be readily sold-out and served-up by the Israel-first satanists for assassination if and when it's deemed to be opportune because the top satanists overall, who run the central-banking (see for expo, use the search-engine) will find it necessary sooner or later as they're steadily found-out for all their conspiracies and machinations, the central-bank the ultimate weapon for financing of everything. These very same top satanists were responsible for 9/11 false-flag, don't forget--see Chris Bollyn ( on his many Jew-tube expositions.

Thus note these satanists run the overall game for political/cultural purposes of "good Jew" vs. "bad-Jew" btwn the "left" and "right"--everyone else is thus forced to taking a position btwn these two main, large factions in the large charade.

Presently, the "left" "liberals" have been pretty much exposed for the evermore blatant 2016 US Pres. election frauds, but the people, many of them, evermore made informed, aren't fooled for the gross false-flag in Syria used by Trump in the recent bombings and missile-strikes over alleged "chem" attack hoax blamed upon Israel's enemy, Assad, the leader of Syrian gov.

So thus we see the great vulnerability of satanists, as always led by Jews, esp. for the "right" "conservatives" who lead the moronic JCs, for it's relatively simple to educate and inform these JC dummies as to who/what "Jews" are, that "Jews" are NOT same as Judeans, "Jews" by definition followers of Pharisees who led only about 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ, "Jews" following Talmud, NOT Torah, Talmud the interpretation ("midrash") of Torah--see and, also for definitive expo.

Thus we see Christianity is truly anti-semitic, anti-lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), and meant to be so, Christ = truth (JOHN 14:6), truth being dependent and based upon the OBJECTIVE reality, hence Aristotle, against Jew subjectivism ("midrash"-interpretation).

So the advantage of rationalist Christianity, the real thing, is it makes one immune to false "left-right paradigm," "good-Jew vs. bad Jew," exposing the large game being played by satanists at top, dependent upon subjectivism and "good-evil" delusion, founded upon perfectly "free" human will delusion. For if reality is OBJECTIVE, then it MUST be determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, human will not capable of ignoring or forgetting necessity of self-preservation (self-interest), upon penalty of extinction. Thus humanity obligated to LOYALTY to race in accord w. 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)," etc.

Such then are benefits and virtues of Christian honesty, integrity, philosophy, and ethics contained within the Christian literature. But the horror and tribulations of cultural-historical end-times, esp. in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler are necessary dramatization and verification of Christian Holy Spirit, philosophy, and ethics. Life sucks, never forget, and humans are sinners, always trying to cut corners and looking for short-cuts--and always, ultimately, paying the price. Thus w. help of Holy Spirit and history we try to predict and foresee the future.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

satanism must be understood in most rationalist, practical terms--NOT kept mysterious, abstract....

Here's copy of e-mail (slightly edited) sent by apster:

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One Must Be Most Analytic, Practical For Serious, Genuine Grasp Upon satanism
(Apollonian, 14 Apr 18)

Hello: it's me again. I just now saw ur latest vid, pub. yest., 13 Apr. U talk about "evil" and "satanic," but u don't address the real and basic issues as I presented to u, first email of mine to u, about a week ago. I explained to u satanism is simply, at root, extreme subjectivism, making oneself God, the creator, by means of the simple philosophy of subjectivism, making the mind/consciousness the origin and creator of reality, thus the subject as being God, the creator.

This satanism really comes into effect when it's practiced in collective manner by like-minded people who co-operate in serious group-think to achieving tangible results.

And I further noted for u there's serious difficulty simply DEFINING what is "good-evil," as there's no good premise/criterion that actually works (in all/any situations)--acknowledged by philosophers and ethicists throughout history--"good-evil" is SUBJECTIVE, the very premise to satanism. If there is a real essence and definition to "evil," I simply challenge u to say what it is--u can't.

So, as there's no real "evil," the only real thing about it ("evil") is that it's what we'd call, more accurately, simply insanity. But it's an ironic kind of "insanity"--an insanity that can yet be quite effective and "successful" for certain purposes.

So, instead of indulging in self-righteousness, don't u think it would be more productive to analyze what this real problem of satanism is actually, really all about?--extreme subjectivism, as I noted. And isn't it more productive and useful to analyze the implications and consequences of this genuine sort of satanism/subjectivism?

For as serious satanism is actually insanity, as I note, the question is how/why it's yet so effective, having such a grip upon minds of so many people--how then this satanism works, what it really means, really is--a literal kind of death-worship/death-cult.

And the full analysis of satanism entails how/why it arises--simply the over-population of humanity, satanism then a kind of disease which arises and now works to remove the excess population--as we actually see.

Thus satanism succeeds as enough people support it--quite regardless as to the insanity of it--they don't care, and insane as it may seem to others, it isn't insane to them. Satanism works and succeeds because enough people not only believe in it, but they also work in practical manner to bringing it about in reality, satanism as a collectivistic, group effort, these satanists all co-operating most effectively, much like criminals who co-operate upon a commonly agreed-upon ideal, program, end, and/or outcome.

Ultimately, the (criminal) satanic instrument is achieved, especially CENTRAL-BANKING, which enables these satanists, empowering them--it only requires enough other people, not necessarily overtly satanic themselves, they not knowing entirely what they're about, to going along and allowing the satanists to putting their scheme, like central-banking, into practice.

So once again, I urge u to consider more carefully upon the actual and practical make-up and elements of this very real thing, satanism--it would help other people to understand what it really is and how it works in practical, down-to-earth manner. Thanks for ur consideration of these pt.s I try to make here. A.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

The people need to know: it's most practical thing to understand about satanists/satanism--it's no mystery, ain't rocket-science....

Below-copied by ap sent to talk-show host

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satanism Understood In Simplest, Explicit, Practical Terms
(Apollonian, 5 Apr 18)

I just want to put across the idea that we humans (in general) are up against highly organized satanists, BUT we're not without ability to defend ourselves by means of knowledge and fore-warning. And one of the ways to so defend is by understanding exactly what this satanism is in essence and substance.

Thus satanism isn't really a mystery, nor is it too complex to be understood; actually it's rather easy--perhaps the simplicity of it is why it gets by so many. Satanism thus begins and follows fm the simple philosophic premise of SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that reality is merely what the mind/consciousness makes it out to being. Satanism is then extreme subjectivism, the idea that as reality is created by mind/consciousness, the one w. the mind is God, the creator (by definition).

Practical, most effective satanism then is COLLECTIVISTIC, following an agreed-upon set of ideas, by people integrally organized for most effective "group-think"--much like criminals who act in concert, know what they're doing, and follow through in accord w. a well thought-out plan--including even an entire life-style.

Note then the ultimate criminal enterprise, necessarily dominated by satanists, the foremost criminals, is CENTRAL BANKING, legalized counterfeiting, to give an example.

So now the only question is WHO are the most organized satanists?--and we know it's NOT gentiles who are famously un-organized, dis-organized, and known for their individualism--though there are SOME gentiles who operate along w. the top satanists.

And to know WHO are the top satanists, one merely needs to know who are the foremost SUBJECTIVISTS--and these are un-doubtedly the Jews--it doesn't mean that all Jews are on the same level, or that all Jews CONSCIOUSLY practice this sort of collectivistic subjectivism practiced and organized at the same level in same intensity. Consider MOSSAD, just as example--there are ranks and levels within the organization.

As far as the practice, even worship of subjectivism goes, one merely needs to check into and examine the Talmudic religion, including "Cabala" (Zohar) in which concept of "midrash" is key, "midrash" meaning INTERPRETATION (subjectivism). Ck and for expo on the Talmud.

And again, note not all satanists are Jews; in fact, most satanists (extreme subjectivists) are surely gentiles (like Free-masons, for example), BUT the leading, topmost satanists are surely Jews who then organize all satanists and satanism, including gentiles.

So I thought I'd run this about satanism past u here and suggest it's necessary info to be known and understood by humanity in general, and that ur listeners to ur show would surely be highly interested. Thanks for all ur attn. A.

Monday, April 2, 2018

"satanism," the real thing, is vital/crucial pt. to be made, understood, analyzed, esp. for ZOG's most ardent, numerous supporters, the "Judeo-Christians" (morons)....

Crucial Importance For Identification/Analysis Of satanic Nature/Culture
(Apollonian, 2 Apr 18)

Here, I want to follow-up on most recent msg sent u (see previous blog-article, this site, for 10 Mar 18), copied herewith, regarding "plan." Note again, first, most important is the ANALYSIS upon which "plan" must be based, the analysis itself founded upon VERIFIED and pertinent observations, in scientific, sociologic/militarist manner.

Thus note long as "petro-dollar" continues, satanist ZOG enabled to churn-out nearly ENDLESS funds, the over-populated "people" are always satisfied w. "bread and circuses," as we see.

But note "petro-dollar's" days seem to be numbered now w. new (Chinese) petro-yuan, and USA is suffering fm horrific, actually un-payable debt problems. Thus as petro-yuan takes evermore hold in world, the petro-dollar rejected, those dollars will have to go back to USA, which in turn will cause massive inflation, prices doubling and tripling, middle-class being literally wiped-out, USA turned into a 3rd world -type nation, dominated by Chinese economy, Americans working and taking orders fm Chinese business management, etc.

Of course, Jew world order ALWAYS has a plan, as we see, Trump and Israel-first "neo-con," of pretended "right," Jews having hi-jacked power fm the usual "leftist," "atheist," "globalists," the usual "good-Jew vs. bad-Jew" fake drama and conflict.

These "neo-cons" will un-doubtedly work to divert and distract the people fm the coming, perfectly predictable economic problems by means of WAR, hence a serious "false-flag."

So any "plan" needs necessarily to take proper notice of this cultural/sociologic analysis and these conditions scientifically verifiable, and little is likely to be done without the over-populated Jew sympathizers, as among the massive Judeo-Christian (JC--see for expo) segment of the population, is treated and dealt with, just for one thing.

Hence the JC population is surely most important/critical factor/condition of culture/sociology, and it's always therefore a convenient point of address/engagement. Thus the SATANIC nature of ZOG is crucial pt. to be made for these JCs.