Thursday, May 25, 2017

People are just toooooooooo brainlessly stupid--how we get fascism under satanic conditions, "Decline of the West," by Spengler....

Fascist Justification: People Are Toooooooooooooo Stupid, NEED Dictatorship
(Apollonian, 25 May 17)

Ho ho hoh oho, it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic: Twitter banned WND ( for linking Democrat official/operative w. Seth Rich case, see It's criminal collusion and conspiracy, and it's DIRECT effect of the criminal monopoly status of Twitter, following fm the monopoly/cartel of the central bank and "deep-state" powers behind it.

Duhhhhhh, what, huh?--say the brainless scum, called the "people," hoho ho oh ho. The stupid puke ("the people") are brought to think, geeeeee, but we need the central bank, don't we?--ho ho o ho ho. Hint: central-bank is a (a) monopoly, allowed to legally counterfeit the currency--replicate, nearly endlessly, currency units, which isn't real money, which real money would necessarily be commodity-based, hence finite in quantity, hence impossible to replicate.

(b) It, the central bank, IS A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, regardless it is legalized. For HOW can u legalize a fundamentally criminal enterprise? So naturally, this criminal enterprise is going to favor clients which persuade the people--the suckers--that we need a central-bank, that it's legitimate enterprise/operation.

So, as the people go along w. this central-banking criminality, the powers ("deep-state") consider, quite understandably, that the people tacitly approve the fascist state which now just so happens to be mass-murdering the people, even if by slow-kill methods, poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, these enforced upon the people by the courts, poison GMO foods, poison, fluoridated water supplies, poison "chem-trails," and toxic radiation, both fm electro-magnetic sources and also nukes, etc.

That's why now, at this pt. ZOG (Zionist occupation...) must remove the free Internet, u see--can't let the people get informed, too dangerous, u see--"dangerous" for the ZOG deep state, that is, for sure.

Thus ZOG is sponsoring the false-flags and hoaxes, as the fake bombing lately in Manchester, Eng., doing all sorts of terrorism against people of the West, sponsoring liars like Ajax Jewns ( to help "catapult" the propaganda and lies of Trump about "Islamic terrorism," etc. Ajax and Trump are on side of the "good" Jews, u see.

So the goal is "cognitive dissonance," as much confusion as possible, Trump complaining about "fake" news, but himself lying and denouncing "terrorism," which is exclusive product of West, CIA, MOSSAD, FBI, NATO, MI6, including then satellites like Saudis and Pakis, the "refugees" simply ANOTHER weapon used by ZOG deep-state by which, in England and Europe, as we see, the gov. works to suppress free-speech, etc.--same thing is going on now evermore here in Jew S A too.

People have to get wise. Only Jews are benefitting, fools. But it looks like things have to keep getting worse and worse for people and the survivors to start getting wise to things. People need the REAL Christianity, anti-satanic (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) and anti-semitic.

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