Monday, May 22, 2017

Behold Trump, flunkey, errand-boy, captive figure-head for satanic kike filth, working for war, suppression of the I-net--that's what's working, suckers....

Behold Trump: Captive, Hostage, Figure-Head, Errand-Boy, Flunkey For Kike satanic Filth
(Apollonian, 22 May 17)

Dumb brainless puke ("the people") of Jew S A are slowly beginning to realize what utterly impotent flunkey is Trump, the pretended "alpha male" and mafia don, now mere errand-boy for kike filth of Israel, going to Saudi to set-up for big, coming attack against Iran, evidently. No word about the murderous, illegal war Saudis are waging against neighboring Yemen.

Meantime, his kike son-in-law, Kushner, plots behind Trump's back, assisted by his whore of a wife, Ivanka, Trump's daughter.

And now we have George Soros, another kike, setting up for domestic disturbances, all this to justify declaring martial law and suppression of the free I-net.

For economic disaster is what's happening folks, even as we speak, and all this warfare and domestic rioting is what will complicate things, diverting attn. of the people, covering for the dictatorship we're steadily falling into. Republican neo-cons and Rinos say nothing and do nothing, u notice. Jeff Sessions the Attorney General says he wants to prosecute marijuana smokers.

Of course, NOTICE there's no talk in the Jews-media about the Seth Rich murder or cover-up, no talk about pizza-gate, or Clinton Foundation scandal, or the IRS scandal suppressing the T-party, or the arms to Mexican drug-cartels ATF scandal, or Obola's phony b.-certificate, and phony soc. sec. card--it's all been suppressed by Trump's kike handlers for whom he works. "America first"?--what a joke, u poor brainless fools.

Instead, what have u got?--24-7 lies and idiot crap about the "Russia-connection," ho ho ho ho ho--I kid u not, and the stupid, brainless fools of America just take it in, the dumb bastards. Now u see how satanism works and reigns supreme, Jews at the controls.

ONLY thing that will work, that can possibly work is a united anti-satanism, hence anti-semitism, behind and along w. the real, hence anti-semitic, Christianity, u poor, ignorant, cowardly scum--that and the decisive break-up of Jew S A by means of states-rights, nullification, and secession--and real money, gold and silver. Get a clue to saving ur idiot lives, fools.

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