Friday, June 9, 2017

satanic power(s) triumph once again, as in Brit. elections, Israeli attack against USS Liberty down "memory hole"....

Latest satanic Triumphs
(Apollonian, 9 Jun 17)

Well folks, satanists have done well, this day, the election in UK having gone according to plan, the Prime Minister (PM), May, having brilliantly sabotaged the (ruling, but now much weakened) party supposed to lead Britain OUT of the European Union (EU). See Don't forget, satanists did brilliantly in France a couple weeks ago w. election of Macron over Le Pen.

The immediate goal is (a) cognitive dissonance (confusion), (b) leading to civil strife, (c) martial law, and culminating in (d) REMOVAL OF FREE I-NET, leading eventually to (e) population-reduction (genocide, suckers). Removal of I-net was/is, u'll note, explicit goal of the PM, May.

Meantime, note this is the anniversary (within a day or two) of the USS Liberty attack (1967) by Israel, but no one says anything, see, least of all Mr. "America first" Trump, slave to and flunkey for Israel.

And so u see how the pretended opponents work hand-in-hand, the "globalists" on "left" vs. Israel and "neo-cons" of the pretended right?--both dominated by Jews, both always and only working for good of kike filth, heck w. the goyim, the goyim far tooooo stupid to understanding and uniting against it.

Remember, however, the Jews/satanists don't CAUSE the hubris, degeneration, and total corruption, they merely TAKE ADVANTAGE of it and work it all to their advantage and purposes, against the stupid goyim, the GOYIM ACTUALLY NEEDING DE-POPULATION and removal, Jews/satanists then only serving a necessary purpose and function.

And this infernal, satanic game works infallibly, so brilliantly, as LONG AS THE CENTRAL-BANKS continue issuing-out that funny-money, the fiat-currency (a), and (b) the evermore worthless currency is accepted by the stupid goons who make up so much of "the people," the stupid, brainless, OVER-POPULATED puke.

And the over-populated puke, our dear "people," will ONLY begin to changing their ways regarding this horrific cultural HUBRIS and satanism, (a) when so many of them have been killed-off, one way or another, and (b) when the currency finally collapses and is widely repudiated. Meantime, the only thing that can be done is the training and conditioning of the leadership cadre among the people for leadership of the remnant of survivors to this presently raging satanism.

The solution to problems isn't difficult: aside fm a true Christian (hence anti-semitic, anti-satanic) revival in general, (a) then more specifically, states-rights, featuring nullification and secession, and (b) real (commodity-based) money, like gold/silver.

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