Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Torba of "GAB" (competition to describes how satanism, monopolism, and censorship works and is working, fools....

Practical, Actual Satanism At Work: Described In Detail
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 17)

There's great, brilliantly detailed exposition given on how the present satanist (Jew) establishment works, in this case for purpose of censorship, at show for today (19 Apr 2017), 2nd hr., half-way through, Go to 21:30 into the vid, when GAB founder (competition to Twitter), Andrew Torba, comes on to explain things to J.P. Watson, (not psycho narcissist, Ajax Jewns, who would merely interrupt incessantly, and no info would get out).

This Jew/satanic establishment works by means of MONOPOLY, u stupid puke--get a clue, u dumbass scum, TO SAVE UR BRAINLESS, MORONIC LIVES, stupid morons.

Thus Torba comes on and explains exactly how Jew-tube, Twitter, Fake-book, and Google (Jew-gle) works and operates--THEY'RE MONOPOLIES, dumbasses. And these kike-connected corporations now take advantage of their preferred, favored status as recipients of the nearly infinitely-counterfeited currency (not real "money"), they now far more heavily capitalized (and OWNED) than any other possible "competition," to making-up moronic, subjective rules that allow them now to actively, intensively, and extensively censoring everyone except for kikes, queers, and the cowardly satanist puke who suck-along.

The exact same sort of monopolist activity (GETTING ALL THE MONEY AND INVESTMENT fm the legalized counterfeiting scam, called the central-bank--see for expo on central-bank) is what allows the medical and drug industry, a huge section of the economy, given the MASSIVE gov. funding and subsidization, to forcing poison drugs, poison vaccines, and the poison "chem-trails" upon the stupid puke, called "the people"--the puke, who actually deserve extermination, who beg for it, and who will largely get what they demand. After all, that's what satanism is all about: DEATH DEATH DEATH DEATH, u stupid, brainless scum.

So now what happens, what will surely happen here, is Torba ("Gab") will get fairly, somewhat big for his "competition" and business--AND KIKES WILL THEN BUY AND EXTORT HIS cooperation for the same old practical, effective censorship and suppression. The MONOPOLY will continue, will grow LONG AS THE CENTRAL-BANK continues, u poor, stupid, brainless scum (called "the people"). Monopoly will merely "morph" into OLIGOPOLY--what happens NECESSARILY w. a central-bank criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting) dominating the society, culture, and economy, u poor, brainless, ignorant puke, called "the people."

For the breeding-up of masses of scum, filth, goons, morons, suckers and general, assorted puke is what happens in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the scum and filth of an over-populated culture worshipping kikes and satanism, this puke, called "people," now working for their own extermination, as in present Agenda-21--look it up, scum.

This is where we are, comrades--those of u who are by now a distinct MINORITY among the masses of puke, filth, scum, and TV-addicts. Lots of these inferior scum will HAVE to fall by proverbial "way-side," but there are still lots of honest, even if horrendously ignorant, people still worth saving--if our culture, such as it is, can be saved.

Nothing can or will happen at present moment--why?--because things are still soooooooo goddam "prosperous"--isn't that funny? For US Dollar still reigns as "reserve currency"--the "petro-dollar." Jew S A still extorts other countries to export their products to Jew S A in exchange for evermore worthless US Dollars--but it won't continue for long. Bo Polny, for example, says gold and silver prices are getting ready to sky-rocket, Dollar to plummet.

So the only thing we can do is to CONTINUING to preach Christian TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew and satanic lies and lying (JOHN 8:44), truth founded on objective, Aristotelian reality, Jew lies founded in subjectivism. Then there's political secession and nullification. And removing central-bank criminal enterprise is obvious necessity, it being the very practical instrument of satanist strength and power. Psychologically, Jews/satanists make use of (subjectivist) "good-evil" delusion.

So u see the quandary: lots of puke, scum, suckers, morons and filth have to die--but Jews and satanists want to use these same people to killing the Christians and real patriots. And unfortunately, we Christian patriots don't have the strength or power to initiate things, at least in too direct manner--that's why it's absolutely imperative to preaching the real, hence ANTI-SEMITIC Christianity, noting what these basic things mean at essential core.

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