Tuesday, April 25, 2017

satanic Jew filth working to remove free I-net: that's purpose for all the war-hysteria--to getting police-state, censorship....

Satanic Jews Want To Be Rid Of Free I-Net Most Of All Now, Not Worried About Russia Or China, Or Even Banking Failure
(Apollonian, 25 Apr 17)

"America first," was just another satanic lie, even though it practically won the election for Trump--how do u know?--because observe how Trump, who's a Jew (see, has betrayed Julian Assange who practically won the election for Trump, Trump now willing to have Assange arrested.

And all the war hysteria?--it's for purpose of Israel and kikes, who along w. kike, G. Soros, will gin-up civil un-rest and hysteria in Jew S A, providing excuse for CENSORSHIP of the I-net, which is kikes' WORST enemy--truth and info. Trump works for Jews, NOT goyim of Jew S A, suckers--get it?--no wonder Trump lies big like he does.

For that's real target of Jew satanic filth: the I-net and truth. Russia and China are mere goyim who can be negotiated w., far as kikes are concerned.

Note also, Ajax Jewns ( is, so conveniently for Jews, notice, FAILING to getting to the heart of his own censorship problems w. Farcebook and Jew-tube, even though his employee, J.P. Watson, has already come-out w. exposure of the corp.s' crass monopoly assertion, the Jew corp.s pretending it's mere matter of their property right to arbitrarily censor and suppress info, this even after they've gotten lots of favors and subsidization fm gov., the ultimate source of all the monopolization activity OBVIOUSLY being the central-bank (see

Such is way satanism "rolls," suckers; u knew this when Trump insulted ur intelligence over the OBVIOUS false-flag of pretended Syrian "gassing" which justified the "Tomahawk" missile-strike. And ALL "TERRORISM," which is often totally staged false-flag (like Sandy hoax), IS ALL done by Jews, Jews, Jews (and Jews-media)--NO ONE ELSE.

We only need real Christians to speaking real truth about simple anti-semitic (anti-lies, Gosp. JOHN 8:44) essence and nature of real Christianity--they're absolute opposites for philosophy and ideals, Christianity standing for the objective ("God-created") basis of truth, giving it meaning, Jews being subjectivists and hence foremost satanists.

And what to do about Jew S A?--break it up in accord w. states-rights principles, nullification and secession. After all, if Trump wants "America first," then what about state sovereignty?--isn't it same principle regarding USA vis-à-vis world-dictatorship?

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