Thursday, April 27, 2017

Jew and satanic problem within the large picture of CYCLIC history....

Below-copied essay first submitted, but was deleted by the kikes, at comments

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Mises Actually Saw Very Little, Though He's Good Economist, Fair Sociologist
(Apollonian, 27 Apr 17)

Problem, of course, is Mises is Jew (as is Salerno, Rockwell, and lots and lots of Austrian economists and fans of Austrianism), and THERE'S DEFINITE, DISTINCT problem w. Jews that NO ONE (or very, very few) wants to face, not the Jews themselves, nor anyone else, except again, for few--and these few brave people (the true Christians) willing to face that Jew problem are hated almost as much as Jews are hated. And why are Jews hated?--there's an answer for this, an answer that makes excellent sense.

So u see: I submit the Jew problem is DETERMINISTIC, hence CYCLIC, having much to do w. the mechanics of history as expounded by Oswald Spengler in "Decline of the West."

Note then Spengler pt.s out how high cultures, like the West's, begin, rise, enjoy a maturity, and then begin to decay and fade. The culture becomes so successful that it breeds-up an over-population, and this population becomes corrupt and hubristic, hubris that horrific smugness and self-righteousness (defined as pretending to Godly powers), and of course, the victims are rendered mad, they not realizing they suffer the dread disease, hubris--THIS IS WHAT'S KILLING THE WEST now. And I stress it's deterministic; little can really be done, and the course of nature must and will take place.

Indeed, that's basic problem: reality is deterministic, and hubristic people want to deny it, pretending they have Godly powers--like (perfectly) "free will," ho ho ho ho. So these hubristic scum just over-populate, as they do now, and things suck, and a big die-off and kill-off HAS TO HAPPEN--which is getting ready to happen before our very eyes.

And Jews have a lot to do w. this CYCLIC problem; they're NOT the cause of it, but they're major "players." Of course, the place Jews have, and the role they play is also deterministic--if they didn't play their role, someone else would. And economic well reflects all this cultural activity, economics perfectly analyzing things.

For note as a culture rises up, in beginning stages, people are honest, and logic is appreciated, but as the culture declines, as we see, we get this hubris and SATANISM and prevalence thereof, people take pride in their ability to lie, etc., and logic is thereupon made out to being great enemy.

For whereas in beginning stages, honesty prevails, people readily understand the OBJECTIVE reality, hence logic. But in the decline phase, objectivity is derided and devalued, the hubristic people insisting upon satanism and SUBJECTIVISM, the satanists dominating by means of manipulating the over-populated morons, goons, suckers, scum, and filth who predominate, pushing their putrid "tolerance" and "diversity" as ethical "virtue," pretending they're "GOOD" for doing so.

That's why things are so gnarly and indelicate in the decline phase: FOR THE OVER-POPULATE SCUM HAVE TO BE KILLED, one way or another--they actually bring about their own demise in all their stupidity, "tolerance," and "diversity." Only few of the over-populated can be converted, as to Christian honesty.

And these are the DETERMINISTIC facts which are hated by satanists and liars who insist they're "good" by means of their lying and subjectivism, pretending they've improved the world.

And Trump, we see, is just ANOTHER liar, but it's good for us Christian patriots to see there's such in-fighting among the ruling satanists as "THERE IS NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES." Problem is real patriots have lost so much ground, the only hope now is the satanists will kill one another, things will degenerate, and the remnant survivors will be able to picking-up pieces to start civilization, and thus the deterministic CYCLE of history over again.

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