Friday, April 28, 2017

Soros's false and subjectivist "march for science" = satanist attack upon reason, sanity, law, rights, etc. in EXPLICIT guise of political "consensus"....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, then deleted by kikes, at comments,

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False, Subjectivist "Science" = SATANISM Attacks Reason, Sanity, Law, Rights, Etc.
(Apollonian, 28 Apr 17)

This is outstanding, excellent article by author, Burdzinski (see above ref.), who must be an Aristotelian, the finest, best sort of human being, without doubt--such humans who grasp science, and REASON itself, requires a PREMISE, the ASSUMPTION of an objective reality ("correspondence theory"), which is then premise for non-contradiction and logic, logic, esp. induction (generalization), then being NECESSARY element of science, science then needing only OBSERVATION to be complete, providing necessary criteria for accuracy.

Contrasted then to Aristotelians are those vile (and mostly) stupid people, but remember, the vile scum know enough that they make use of SUBJECTIVISM, as of Plato ("transcendence"), to then manipulate the hordes and masses of stupid people who cannot grasp the necessary premise(s) to reason, science, and logic.

And HOW then do subjectivists win politically, by means of such subjectivism?--by means of the delusionary/fallacious/hereticalist (Pelagianism in Christianity) "good-evil" which is used sooo successfully upon the young, the youth, and continues to work even w. so many, even most, adults.

The WORST ENEMY of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is non-existent, wishful-thinking of "good-evil" (and perfectly "free" God-like WILL) which then provides the pretext for such subjectivism (this is utterly backwards logic, but it suffices for subjectivists and moralists). "Good" is thus the pre-conceived, "stolen concept" ("question-begging" and presumption). Thus Immanuel Kant, for example, announced he had to resort to the "noumenal" reality, which was the "unknown"--but at least not an "unknown unknown" as of illustrious genius, Don Rumsfeld--to establish his feel-good reality of "good" or "virtue" by specific means of "duty."

Observe the non-sequiturs of Kant subjectivism ("noumenalism"): (a) "good" consists of "duty," (b) duty then consists of the impossible, inhuman anti-inclination (or altruism), (c) why?--because it's ur duty--circular reasoning. (d) What then is duty/anti-inclination?--it's the "categorical imperative." (e) So what's the "cat-imp."?--it's doing what one would will to be done as "universal law." (f) So what's "universal law"?--and Kant continues w. more non-sequiturs and babbling which he brilliantly disguises by means of bombastic terminology and phrases--of which no one has ever been able to make any sense except a few who see Kant was philosophic con-artist (Kant probably thought he was like Aristophanes). Thus Kant is held so highly and lionized by establishment edjumaction in our corrupt and degenerate colleges and universities (idiot-factories).

And never doubt this SUBJECTIVISM is extremely attractive, at least so compelling, to many if not most of the over-populated masses of goons, suckers, morons, scum, and puke of a mature and decadent empire, according to Oswald Spengler ("Decline of the West") now degenerating in the wide-spread hubris of overpopulated masses, heirs of conquering, productive ancestors, encouraged by the mass corporate media--think of "the greatest generation" by the hack, talking-head, predecessor of Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw.

Note then, subjectivism is basic premise (reality is creation of consciousness) of the rampant, dominant SATANISM of this age by which Israel and USA illegally bomb Syria, murdered Khadafi of Libya, and illegally invaded Iraq, making sure to spread lots of depleted uranium while they did so.

Satanism, of course, is idea one is God, creator of reality (hence "good-evil" and "moral virtue," ho ho ho ho) and the essence of HUBRIS, by definition.

Satanism is what conducts terrorism as of MOSSAD, CIA, FBI, MI6, NATO, creates "refugees" who are turned into invaders of the West.

Satanism is what allows monopolist corporations to impose toxic, poison vaccines, drugs, and GMO foods and food additives upon the people, along w. poison "chem-trails" and toxic radiation, electro-magnetic and nuclear--and the stupid masses sit still and allow it all to happen because the mass corp. "news-media" persuades them it's ok, it's all "good," and even "smart."

So again, thanks much to Burdzinski who does such excellent and outstanding job for exposing the satanists, showing so well how it's done, excused, rationalized, and justified. Hats off.

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