Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Such is nature of satanistic treatment--in style of passive-aggressive psychosis, no other explanation given; this is what u get, sucker, ok?--so just shut up....

Such Is Treatment Of Satanic Jews-Media
(Apollonian, 11 Apr 17)

[I just sent this msg, following, to colleague.] We're ruled by satanists. This story out now fm InfoWars:

Evidently, Eric Trump is quoted in story, above, saying Pres. Trump decided to bomb Syria due to encouragement of Eric's sister, Ivanka. Then Eric assures us all, Trump thinks everything out and Eric is proud of his sister.

So there it was, as u recall, the "globalists" were on the ropes w. the Susan Rice "un-masking" scandal, using nat. sec. surveillance for pol. purposes--at behest of Obama, no doubt. Then we get the (a) obvious false-flag, (b) which accomplished nothing for anyone of practical nature, (c) blamed on Assad, (d) which isn't investigated in the slightest, (e) but rather immediately used as pretext for Trump's bombing, (f) immediately taking attn. away fm Rice, Obama, (g) so right now, "mainstream media" is still talking about "relations" w. Russia and Syria, and the Rice/spying story is now on "back-burner," just one of a few others.

So it's Israel first, not America, and Trump does what he's told, which benefits Israel, globalists, and deep-state--such is the foreign policy of Trump, influenced by Israel, for benefit of Israel's partner/client, the globalists. Similarly, I doubt we'll hear about "pizza-gate" ever again, certainly not by satanic "mainstream media." Such is treatment we get fm the "alpha male," Trump.

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