Sunday, April 9, 2017

"Perpetual war for perp. peace"--and we're always fighting "terrorism"--ever notice? Ho ho ho ho ho....

If "Deep-State" "Un-Masked," What Do U Think They'd Tell U?
(Apollonian, 9 Apr 17)

Ho ho ho ho--observe the dumbasses all mystified by "deep-state"--is there such thing? Ho ho ho ho--Is it a "consp. theory"?--ho ho ho ho ho

But unless we have a gov. run by angels, we're liable to having criminals and satanists running world gov.--isn't that the satanic ideal?--once u have an empire, say like the Brits, well, then it gets dominated by satanists, and then what do they want and work for?--TOTAL world gov., right?--and isn't that what they've been working for?

And satanists' excuse is, well gee, but we need world gov. to eliminate war, ho o ho ho ho ho--that was Woodrow Wilson's excuse back in 1917. And note satanists have been starting war, after war, after war, after war, haven't they?--all w. purpose of world dictatorship, but dictatorship of "good" and "morality," right?--ho ho ho ho oho. Long as u have enough dumbasses, stupid-****s, scum, fools, and suckers, the frauds and lies can continue nearly forever, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho

And what's been the satanists' main weapon/instrument?--the central-banks and -banking, right?--organized crime ever-consolidating, becoming evermore powerful. For central-banking is simply legalized counterfeiting, right?--see for expo. And world gov. then is enforcement for the counterfeiters/bankers, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho

So look at where we are now, ****-holes: we got Trump who shot-off million and a half dollar "Tomahawk" missiles at Syria for a false-flag staged by the satanists (Israel MOSSAD, w. its helpers, ISIS, et al., funded, supplied, and promoted by Jew S A, CIA, NATO, et al.), and in this case, Trump says he's "fighting terror," etc.--along w. Israeli terror-state, ho ho oh ho ho ho ho. Yes, it's getting pretty stupid, eh? Ho ho hohoho ho ho.

Trump had and has said, "America first," but we see it's Israel first--and look, his kike son-in-law is a "globalist," what do u know? Ho ho ho ho ho But suckers, scum, puke, morons and goons (the "people" and voters) will swallow anything, won't they?

And at a certain pt. the "deep-state" will un-mask, and admit they've done all the terrorism fm the first, and they'll confront u and us, the "people," w. simple truth they're the terrorists, but that it's necessary for the greater "good" to be served, suckers.

And that's what's been going on, now, morons--the "terrorists" are Trump and Obola, and dear, spastic, diseased hitlery--u were just tooooo goddam stupid to be willing to face the facts, jack, u brainless, stinking scum. But that's what happens to scum, eh?--u get terrorized and ripped-off, and then u die, eh?--'cause u'd rather be "good" and "moral" than to being HONEST and truthful (Christ = truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Biggest joke is the "chem-attack" is precisely the one thing Assad (of Syria) WOULD NOT HAVE DONE, as he knew, along w. everyone else, that it was precisely the pretext a satanistic liar like Trump and his satanistic kikes behind him wanted.

"America first": that sure was genius lie Trump and his kikes told us all, wasn't it? Ho ho ho ho ho

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