Saturday, April 8, 2017

Take pause and think--ponder the absolute satanic psychosis that came over Trump, the kike filth who did the false-flag, and the gleeful "globalists" who applauded Trump's insane missile strike....

Is Trump Senile?--SOMEONE Is satanically Psychotic, For Sure
(Apollonian, 8 Apr 17)

What could possibly be going through someone's mind to imagine Assad of Syria would do the so-called "chemical-gas attack" which was Trump's pretext for the missile attack on the 6th, two days ago? There's simply no reason for it (why Assad would do such irrational thing)--and that's a troubling indication of the satanistic element of things. For Assad accomplished nothing by means of such attack (a), and (b) he had to know the satanic Jews are looking for precisely such a pretext.

For we know the Jews control and manipulate Trump, and there's obviously something wrong w. Trump that he imagines he will get away w. this insanity; time works against him. For even if lots of folks are still stunned now, slowly but surely a great many people will realize there was no reason for Assad to doing such thing--and that Trump had to have known all this.

Interestingly the leftist Democrats and globalists are over-joyed Trump did such mindless, moronic thing, accepting the psychotic premise that Assad would do such thing (a), and (b) that Americans will go along so willingly. For people are going to think about things and realize this all (the false-flag chem-attack, then the US missile attack) is absolutely insane, making so little sense.

So observe the absolute insanity of this episode goes fm Israelis, to Trump, to the globalist-leftists, all so effectively working together, and the satanic perfidy of it all cannot escape people, sooner or later. Trump is total tool of Jews, Israel, and ultimately, of "deep-state."

People need to realize the issue now is one btwn (a) simple reason on the one hand--there being no reason for Assad to have done what Jews (and Trump) say he did, and then (b) the absolutely gross Satanist psycho-pathology of all the other "players," beginning w. the Israeli MOSSAD, Trump himself, and then the leftist-globalists, who, don't forget were suffering the Susan Rice scandal for spying and using nat. security surveillance for pol. purposes--they benefitted most of all, along w. the Israeli psychopaths.

It was all (the moronic false-flag, then the idiot missile strike) so grossly, grotesquely mindless, irrational, and psychotic that people should be scared and frightened at the sheer satanistic insanity. Trump is now quite plainly in way over his head, and he's not at all "smart" or clever in any way when one considers how he's been manipulated by Jew and satanic filth--it's serious cause for major re-assessment of things for all people.

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