Saturday, March 4, 2017

satanic society will become vulnerable as people begin to realize IT RULES, it exists--and they have to get away fm the circuses, distractions, and stupid football-games....

The satanic Network, Society, Economy--Is It Vulnerable?
(Apollonian, 4 Mar 17)

(1.) Observe the satanic network, society, and economy, topped-off by the central-bank (see for expo on central bank), legalized counterfeiting, controlling, financing, running EVERYTHING and everyone else. For if u don't take their bribes or submit to their extortion, if nothing else, they can easily kill u--just paying a crack-head a few bucks, then another crack-head to kill the first one, to eliminate the witness, etc.

But there's problems: eventually the central-bank simply inflates tooooo much, and it goes bust, hyper-inflation being the ultimate reductio-ad absurdum, and the currency can't and won't be accepted. Too many dupes and suck-alongs demand being paid-off, and of course, that's how we get the hyper-inflation.

But as long as people continue to accept the currency for payment, that central bank and associated powers RULE.

(2.) And the satanist society arises due to the HUBRIS of the corrupt people, these being the off-spring and progeny of original pioneers, heroes, producers, and victors of the original successful nation, but which has now grown into EMPIRE, the empire corrupt and rotting, but still holding-out, along w. the currency system, as we see, and as we observe fm hist. of empires, esp. the Romans, and now, as we see, the Americans, having degenerated into the Jew S A.

This gradual but inexorable process of imperialist degeneration and hubris is CYCLIC and most brilliantly exposited by Oswald Spengler in "Decline of the West."

(3) Note satanism is simply extreme subjectivism, subjectivism the idea mind/consciousness creates reality, mind/consciousness then being God. On mere individual basis, this subjectivism is simply psychosis, but when organized and well-led in a collective, like for masons and Jews (see, this satanism becomes powerful, and it is what creates the all-powerful central bank which then rules the evermore centralized, monopolized society.

(4) Pretext for subjectivism is the "good-evil" delusion which captures youthful imagination and mentality of too many people, ESPECIALLY as the corrupt imperialist society creates the over-population of scum, puke, filth and inferiors who live off the original production and victory of the founders, genuine heroes.

So then what are the signs of the overwhelming satanic society on our hands?--observe the satanic economy, (a) the illicit drug trade run by the CIA and MOSSAD, easily verified and researched. (b) Then there's the child-trafficking as we see by the "pizza-gate" scandal. (c) And then there's the ORGAN-TRAFFICKING, as exposited by George Webb on his you-tube channel.

For the satanic society is built upon MONOPOLY, beginning w. the "money-trust," the central-bank having exclusive right of issuing the currency. This currency monopoly then fuels and directs everything else about the evermore monopolized economy and society, the Jews-media, Jew-dominated Hollywood "entertainment," "Big-Pharma" which is immunized by the bought-and-paid-for Congress fm law-suits, etc.

Note how everything of society and economy is evermore totally controlled and monopolized. Thus the satanic society is the CULTURE OF DEATH (Agenda-21 and -30), the object being the mass-murder of humanity, this by known and verified means of poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs pushed by Big Pharma and the cartelized doctor's union (American Med. Assoc.). Lawyers (Bar assoc.s) and everyone else are unionized and monopolized and controlled too. GMO foods are known poison too, as are the "chem-trails."

So we see how the "goyim" (human cattle) are being steadily killed-off, as by slow-kill methods, the various poison agents gradually killing and sterilizing the people (bis-phenol food additives, etc.), the people yet being entertained as it all happens w. the satanic TV and other circus-like activity, including even the petty warfare.

So it shouldn't be surprising if, as the goyim are being reduced and exterminated, the top masterminds might begin to falling-out w. one another on principle of "NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES." Thus we see Trump, for example, upsetting hitlery Clinton in the election upon the brilliant slogan of "America First" (though really Israel-first).

So the people must simply be rallied by means of the real Christianity (worship of truth [Gosp. JOHN 14:6], which necessitates the objective reality to give truth basis and real meaning) and anti-satanism, for general abstract principle and philosophy, also by means of states-rights, nullification, and secession for breaking-up the monopolistic all-powerful centralized empire. Other details would be removal of IRS, "progressive taxation," minimum wage, etc.

But regardless, people, to start, must face-up to the present reigning and ruling satanic society featuring the culture of death and suicide, built upon hubris and (extreme) subjectivism. And as things continue to deteriorate economically, and as the currency continues to collapse, people will be more motivated to heeding that hard reality they've been so well trained to ignore. It's an objective reality, and it has nothing to do w. "good-evil," surely the basic fallacy the people must get over and get past.

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