Thursday, March 2, 2017

Don't doubt, there's REASON for all the stupidity by the satanist puke directed against Jew flunkey, Trump--purpose?--to getting the over-populated suckers to backing Trump as he backs Israel's next war, against Iran, evidently....

So Now WHY Are Puke, Filth, And Scum--satanists--All Swarming Against Trump?--To Getting Folks To Backing Him As He Backs Israel's Next War, Obviously--Against Iran, Evidently
(Apollonian, 2 Mar 17)

Have u noted all the stupid, idiotic lies and crap being pushed against Trump?--ho ho ho ho--HOW could u not?--ho ho ho ho ho. So WHY do we get this continuing idiocy?--after all, Trump merely wins, bigger and bigger, right? The latest lies have to do w. J. Sessions, the Atty. Gen., ho hum--it's like we're all so used to the usual idiot lies and prop. fm the "left," ho ho ho ho ho--but there's reason for all this, never doubt.

But u KNOW Trump is mere front-man for kikes and esp. Israel--"America first" is just a lie as it's really Israel-first. And when u consider things, we see Trump is really just a patsy, dupe, and sucker for Israel and Jews, as when he (Trump) lies and says there's supposed "threat" in "Islamic terrorism"--which is all lies, as all terrorism comes fm Israel, MOSSAD, CIA, FBI, MI6, NATO, etc., enforcers for ZOG and powers behind central bank (see for expo on central-bank).

And that's reason for pressure against Russia, as Russia is ally of intended target, Iran. Another item is that economy is getting ready to collapse--and it will be a huge collapse, so war will be needed to cover things, naturally.

So this is what's coming, fools--economic collapse, an absolute CERTAINTY (a), and (b) the necessary, obligatory war to cover for it, and ANOTHER "opportunity" for Israel to profit, don't doubt. Israel has been looking for opportunity to attacking Iran, and making stupid goyim of Jew S A to doing it for them--and Trump is just the moron to be made use of--the reason kikes and "deep-state" decided to dump hitlery in 2016 election. Now u see why kikes and deep state had hitlery give Ajax Jewns ( all the publicity in her "alt-right" speech.

And is it any wonder Trump has duly continued the economic stupidity for even more big-spending, including for military, increasing the already un-manageable and cancerous debt?--w. the big-spending he thus keeps the dumb****s of Jew S A happy, eh?

Doubt my analysis?--ck out the Trump attn. given to the "widow" of the "fallen-soldier" (the poor sucker), during his last speech to Congress, which widow was then called an idiot by the obligatory Democratic moron, later fired.

So aren't these kikes and "deep state" behind things, setting-up for the emotions, stage-managing the moronic drama pushed on Jews-media, clever? But it doesn't take much "clever-ness" to fool and manipulate the stupid, over-populated dumbasses of Jew S A, does it? "Bread and circuses" was the formula known fm Roman times, and it hasn't changed, u see.

1 comment:

  1. See
