Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Note the simplicity of satanist network--all founded upon, fueled by monopolist central-bank....

Instrument/Engine Of Satanism, Worship Of Death?--Monopoly--The Central Bank, Suckers--Is Anything Easier To Understand?
(Apollonian, 28 Feb 17)

So observe and even, the latter a really BIG web-site w. connections to Trump, are being coerced by Joogle (Google), being removed fm Joogle ad vehicle (see does this happen?--why is it so significant? Well, Joogle has a large market-share, essentially a monopoly, and they make their own arbitrary rules excused upon premise it's their property right--but which was only gained by gov. subsidy and legal favoritism (bought and paid-for lawyers and judges, not to mention politicians).

And note Joogle makes and practices these arbitrary rules and ruling for explicit purpose of consolidating and enforcing their monopoly--a monopoly pursuing ever-greater, evermore monopoly.

So u have this network of monopolies, like the Jews-media, Big Pharma, including Joogle and Farce-book. But there's a master-monopoly/cartel above these, and that's the central bank which has a monopoly on issuance of currency (not real "money"), legalized counterfeiting, a criminal enterprise, by definition. See for expo on central bank. Back when the US Federal Reserve Bank was being debated, early 20th cent., Charles Lindbergh senior, then Congressman fm Minnesota, called it the "money trust."

And what's purpose of this monopoly and network of monopolies, all controlled by the topmost central-bank?--GENOCIDE and mass-murder (see Agenda-21 and -30), which has been demonstrated, proven, and shown, over and over and over--which only the masses of morons choose to overlook and ignore. Observe the poison vaccines now being forced upon the people--mass-murder by means of slow-kill method(s). Then there are the poison prescription drugs, also enforced by the legal establishment, not to mention the poison GMO foods, etc.

So why does this over-populated mass of scum, filth, puke, goons, morons and idiots ("the people," too many of them) allow for this satanic program and worship of DEATH on a mass-scale?--well, because they're persuaded it's "GOOD," "good," the very worst enemy of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

For "good" is mere delusion and fallacy of smug, hubristic over-populated scum who pretend to a perfectly "free" human will, impossible in an objective reality, foundation of TRUTH (= Christ), in which things are absolutely determined in accord w. cause-effect. We're all sinners, all of us impelled by our God-given will, necessarily self-interested. But note "good-evil" delusion/fallacy is EASY to program into the minds of the young, most of whom never recover.

Thus this compulsion of "good-evil" then becomes the pretext for hubris and cultural subjectivism, the very definition of satanism (extreme subjectivism, pretext being mind/consciousness as source of reality, making oneself God) and consequent worship of death, as we see (Agenda-21, etc.).

How does this over-population occur?--by means of the successful EMPIRE, as in the Roman and now as we see, the US which took-over fm the British empire in the last (20th) cent., US and British (now called the UK, "United Kingdom") actually the enforcers, providing the outward style to it all, the empire of death and lies.

For note fascist dictators must ever be at war, ALWAYS, and this necessitates the reduction of population, devaluation of humanity, as we see--"for the earth." See Orwell's "1984."

So the satanic empire of death and lies must be removed by means of striking at and removing the central-bank legalized counterfeiting monopoly, hence then by protecting and maintaining the free I-net, states-rights, nullification, and secession--these being practical measures to be taken.

But of course, note it isn't easy fighting such satanic empire, esp. after it's gotten going w. the central-bank monopoly controlling everything. What happens is that it, the empire, eventually destroys itself. Remnant of humanity must only hope to survive and be capable of taking advantage when possible. Presently Jews dominate on principle of "good-Jew vs. bad-Jews," Trump the figure-head leading "Israel-first" against the "globalist" "leftists of world gov.

In the abstract (theoretical), remember, we must simply champion TRUTH (= Christ) against lies, and this means the genuine anti-semitic Christian church--against Jew lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), establishment "Christians" having simply been bought and co-opted by Jews, satanists, masons, now controlling these false "Christians." For note "truth" requires objective reality for meaning. See for expo on Judaism/Talmud.

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