Sunday, February 26, 2017

Take time to consider the full extent of satanic network, economy: child-trafficking and drugs, but also organ-trafficking and -harvesting....

The satanic Network, Economy, And Society: Beware The Coming False-Flag
(Apollonian, 26 Feb 17)

Do u doubt satanists are scared to death regarding pizza-gate scandal un-covered by the I-net? For note the full satanic network and economy:

(a) Aside fm the child trafficking, there's (b) the drug traffick and network run by CIA, MOSSAD, et al., (c) and there's the ORGAN-TRAFFICKING, as exposited by George Webb (see his vids on, Jews especially, at the center of it all, running and managing it.

After all, it's well-known Jews brag about dominating the porno industry, they making all the snuff-films of child sacrifice. Jews are also at center of the organ-trafficking. See

Of course, at the top of this satanic network, conspiracy, and society is the central bank (see, legalized counterfeiting and monopoly (the "money trust") running all the other monopolies, "Big Pharma," the Jews-media, etc., and including Joogle (Google) and Farce-book which is now leaning on the dumb hill-billy, Ajax Jewns (, depriving him of their ad svc. See

(d) Then there's the genocide program in full public view, Agenda-21 and -30 program of United Nations (UN) which has to be spun, "interpreted," and sold by the Jews-media, public edjumacation, and the totally Jew-controlled "Christian" churches--which aren't Christian (anti-semitic) at all.

So u see the quandary for the satanists and Jews: why would Trump want to ruin the free I-net to which he owes his upset-election?

Problem for Trump is his Jew backers who are simply using him, and these Jews, esp. Israel, are absolutely certain to arranging and planning a false-flag to serve the globalists, et al., esp. Israel, and getting Jew S A into more wars, more seriously, perhaps Iran, surely their preferred target.

So patriots cannot rely upon Jew-friendly and -beholden Ajax, or even Trump. It's absolutely imperative the I-net be defended by the patriots themselves, exposing Judaism as satanism, the leading, most organized satanism (see for expo). Jew S A must be broken-up itself, upon principle of states-rights, nullification of un-Constitutional laws, and secession, etc.

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