Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Socialism, deceptively cloaked in moralism, is really fascist, coercive, dictatorship, following in perfect logic fm the coercive monopoly of central-bank....

Socialism: Perfect "Nanny" Honey-Trap For Over-Populated, Suicidal Suckers, Scum, And Filth In satanic Society, Culture Of Death
(Apollonian 8 Mar 17)

After all, isn't socialism as political system founded on the suicidal "morality" of altruism, self-sacrifice? And the Jew author, Ayn Rand, surely was right for denouncing the socialist system and implicit "morality," Rand taking full note of such culture of DEATH. I'll never forget reading her books on the subject of altruism, the false morality, as in her famous, "Virtue of Selfishness." Rand wrote and collected other great works too, like "Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal," and "For the New Intellectual," brilliant works, all of them--there were others too.

For the dumb, brainless puke among the over-populated mass of morons don't or won't let themselves realize they're sacrificing everyone else, along w. themselves--that's how socialism is fascist--the socialist wants to sacrifice u too, regardless whether u want to be sacrificed. Out of self-sacrificial "moralism," the suicide demands everyone else be suicidal too--such is the socialist system, society, and group-think mentality.

Thus socialism is as much fascist dictatorship masquerading behind "morality." Given the sufficient moralist excuse/pretext, by golly, then it's ok to force things according to such moralism. After all, the rich and "selfish" are a minority and it's ok and expedient to coerce them.

Thus socialist fascism follows naturally and logically fm the monopolistic central-bank instrument (see for expo on central bank), outright coercion built upon fraud, self-deception, and outright lies and lying, the central bank simply the criminal enterprise of legalized counterfeiting. And the central bank is built upon the people's ignorance for what "money" is, properly understood, and the diff. btwn real money and mere "currency."

And this central bank fraud gets-over upon the hubris and ignorance of an over-populated mass of fools who fail to grasp and understand simple things, like money and why it has to be commodity-based, hence gold/silver.

My specific pt. then is it's lately come out in "wikileaks" about the massive, pervasive spying and surveillance done against the people by the monopolist, coercive, corp. state, the US President, Trump having now famously complained about his wires being "tapped" by Obola and "deep state."

And now we see such as Ajax Jewns of is being coerced by literal monopolies like Joogle (google) and Farce-book for censorship by means of that monopoly power, fed fm the top by the central bank. Coercive, monopolistic connection w. the central bank is obvious, but the moron, Jewns, who pretends he's soooo insightful and filled w. (non-existent) "goodness" won't see it and refuses to name it--the monopolistic nature.

Such then is the coercive, fascist monopoly, including socialism w. moralist cloak and pretense, built upon the topmost, controlling, master monopoly and fraud of central banking, it all going together, all built upon false and irrational premises, especially built and based upon (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, the idea all reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness--hubristic idea for godliness.

And of couse, and once again, note such subjectivism isolated only in the individual is psychosis and impotence, BUT organized and practiced collectivistically, it's defining, reigning, presiding power--the central bank which arises in a declining culture of over-population and degenerate hubris.

1 comment:

  1. JP Watson understands the monopolistic problem behind censorship:
