Saturday, February 11, 2017

satanism thrives and dominates for solid sociologic reason, the gross, pervasive hubris of now over-populated society being so overwhelming....

Why/How Is satanism Thriving, Dominant, Ruling?
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 17)

Note the amazing success of satanism which is simply extreme subjectivism: once it establishes the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting (see for expo), it has taken nearly permanent and absolute control of economy and society, and it's extremely difficult to overturn or reverse--they now have all the "money" (actually currency, not real money). For the satanists simply start nearly endless warfare in numerous ways and at various levels of the society--as we see presently.

Thus satanism arises fm the former culture of success, victory, but evermore false "prosperity," and especially HUBRIS, always built upon fallacious "good-evil." satanism thus is the destruction of a society/culture/civilization in the Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

Note the amazing simplicity of satanism, simply (extreme) subjectivism, and this simplicity is a great weakness, especially if people begin to taking it seriously and examining this premise/principle. Thus satanism is necessarily made out to be so mysterious and complex, as for the numerology which is then attached, along w. the amazing, bizarre symbolism and symbology--people must be diverted/distracted fm the real essence/core of satanism, subjectivism.

And the success of satanism is puzzling and ironic, at least at first, for satanism/subjectivism practiced strictly by the individual is most often mere psychosis, but when applied collectively and organized, like by masons and Jews, it's brilliantly successful, as we see in establishment of the central-bank.

The actual horror and destructiveness of satanism is simply a sad sign of over-population which population must be reduced, and satanism is the sad method, the satanists being subjectivists and evermore psychotic, along w. the evermore corrupt society and population, all in the Spenglerian CYCLIC "Decline of the West."

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