Friday, February 10, 2017

Golly gee, but WHY do u think there's all the turmoil, violence, demonstrations by the "liberal" fascists, beating people up, the hysterical liars on Jews-media bleating, etc.?--hmmmm, but are they trying to cover something up?--do u think?....

Crux To Cultural Turmoil Is satanism/Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 17)

Do u wonder why there's all the INTENSIVE media attn. now given to the commie fascist rioting and blatant, crass, overt acts of violence, all the desperate and hysterical liberal attn. against Trump, etc.?--THEY'RE TRYING TO DISTRACT/DIVERT FM PIZZA-GATE, MORONS.

And the diversion/distraction includes such Jew-friendly suckers, shills, and dupes like Ajax Jewns of and all the other such-like and associated scum who infest the "alt-right" "media," ho ho ho ho--it's why hitlery Clinton so mysteriously mentioned Ajax Jewns by name in her famous speech about "alt-right," ho oh ho ho ho. Excuse me, that's Alex Jones, but u know who I mean.

And why this desperate diversion fm pizza-gate?--well, satanism and subjectivism are at the very CRUX of the cultural battle and conflict. For (a) satanism is extreme subjectivism, very simply, as I've emphasized and repeated--it can't be too much emphasized or repeated.

(b) There's a slight, but not terribly much, subtlety to this thematic subjectivism, u see, because the subjectivism on part of mere individual is negligible, most likely mere case of psychosis.

(c) BUT when this subjectivism is practiced on a COLLECTIVISTIC, co-operative, organized basis, it can be EXTREMELY POWERFUL and significant, as in case of masons, AND as in the case of central-banking which is simply a criminal scam and enterprise, legalized counterfeiting, literally. And it's why masons are so mystical in their effort to cover up their subjectivism/satanism.

Thus once people grasp subjectivism is the core essence of satanism, it's then possible to understanding the huge criminal network that so pathetically and tragically controls and manipulates the degenerate culture of Jew S A, etc.

For example: once one grasps the simple criminal nature/essence of central-banking (see for expo), literally just legalized counterfeiting, then one sees the gross corrupt MONOPOLY/cartel it really is--what Charles Lindbergh Sr. called, "the money trust."

And thus this currency (not real "money") monopoly is then the power behind all the other monopolies, like "big Pharma" which poisons and mass-murders the people in so many ways, poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, etc., this filthy criminal, monopolistic conspiracy inexorably consolidating, running the political dictatorship, pushing world gov. and Agenda-21-30 genocide--is it any wonder?

For once the central-bank is established, the satanists (not merely criminals, mind u) are in charge, ruling, dominating, running everything. Thus u have PERPETUAL WAR, the purpose always being to CONSOLIDATE evermore, evermore removing any and all possible threats and/or competition to their control and power, as there is "NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES."

Thus among the masterminds at the top, they eye one another warily, suspiciously wondering who might be trying to double-cross them today, who will double-cross them tomorrow--a lot like "Hunger-Games" movie and books, one may be sure. And of course, they're always conspiring as to who they might double-cross before they're double-crossed themselves.

Think of Stalin who killed Trotsky, conspiring w. Kamenev and Zinoviev, etc.--it never ends till it all finally collapses as they kill everyone, all the slaves among the people, and all their possible opponents and rivals.

The people themselves are not without blame, as they bring it all on in the first place, being sooooooo stupid and greedy, acceding to the central-bank, imagining it's a magic short-cut to success and cheap "prosperity," ho ho ho ho oho.

And again, the CRUX to all this idiocy, insanity, and madness is SUBJECTIVISM, and of the extreme sort--satanism. It's the idea that one's own mind is the creator of reality, making oneself God--satanism--get it?--it begins w. subjectivism, suckers, and all u have to do is start to beginning to getting a clue, for once in ur stupid, scummy, hubris-filled lives, dumbasses.

For if Christ = truth, then it means there must be an OBJECTIVE reality, eh ****-holes? So there's ur hint; it's EITHER-OR, suckers--can u figure it out? Is it any wonder satanists and masons hate Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)?

So keep knocking urselves out trying to think, fools--it might just save ur idiot lives. For if people keep trying to think, there will surely be less casualties. But if people refuse to think, continuing in their putrid hubris, pretending they're God, remaining subject to satanists and satanism, then there will simply be more and evermore otherwise needless deaths.

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