Thursday, February 16, 2017

Well, "deep state" satanists nailed Flynn, perhaps, but it's "Pyrrhic victory" as they exposed themselves--AGAIN--in addition to "pizza-gate"--BIG MISTAKE, suckas, ho o ho ho ho....

(a) "Deep State," (b) "Pizza-Gate," (c) satanism, (d) Central-Bank: They're All Related, Necessarily
(Apollonian, 16 Feb 17)

Didja' hear Trump's close advisor, Gen. Flynn, had to resign?--and it was the "deep state" operating, they having dropped-off intercepted info only they could have gotten to their little buddies, the Demo-rats and the Rino Republicans, like "song-bird," McCain, Lindsey Graham, and House Speaker, Paul Rino. So Trump had to give-up Flynn, but "deep state" was outed--bad move, deep state, ho ho ho ho ho.

So Trump merely needs emphasize investigations on easy targets: Obola is gross criminal in so many ways. But Pizza-gate is the latest one. And they're all necessarily connected, "deep state," Pizza-gate Satanists, and central bank.

All Trump (or SOMEONE) has to do is to tell the people the truth, giving folks a hint. Like Central-bank is simply legalized counterfeiting (see for definitive expo), gross criminal enterprise, key then to all the rest of organized crime and the criminal monopolies, like "big Pharma" presently killing people by slow-kill methods, poison (prescription) drugs, poison vaccines, these aside fm the poison GMO foods, etc.

And the central bank thus allows the buying-up and bribing (and then extortion) of all politicians and judges, and everyone else, including the monopolized Jews-media, not to mention entertainment. For the central-bank, u see, is simply a monopoly itself, given exclusive privilege of printing-up currency (not real money--see for expo). Thus the "money-trust," as Charles Lindbergh senior called it, is the means for monopoly and monopolization of the economy, thus the society now ruled by socialist welfare state, giving "nice," moralistic style then to dictatorship which accompanies the totally monopolized economy. See how it all works soooo smoothly, so hand-in-hand?

Okay, and satanism?--just don't be fooled by complexity or mysticism. Satanism is simple thing, extreme subjectivism, subjectivism being that basic idea reality is mere product of mind/consciousness--so that now ANYTHING GOES. And there's no objective reality as objectivity would put a limit on the lies the satanists and "deep state" want to put-over.

And note subjectivism is put-over by means of (non-existent) "good-evil" learned fm child-hood. Thus "racism" (loyalty, according to the dictionary) is "BAD," get it?--and it's excuse for fascist punks to go and beat u up, steal all ur stuff, fire u fm ur job, etc.

Satanism/subjectivism is psychosis for psychos when practiced on one's own--as w. so many gentiles. BUT, when subjectivism/satanism is practiced collectivistically, then it's amazingly effective, everyone co-operating upon some purpose/objective, led by astute master-minds. And the very pinnacle of success is the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting, always justified by moralism and "good-evil."

Thus Christianity was instituted to decisively combat satanism (lies, Gosp. JOHN 8:44), hence subjectivism; Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), suckers. And all u need note now is any real truth only exists as it is based necessarily upon OBJECTIVE reality, necessary ASSUMPTION. For subjectivism is absurd and easily reduced thereto--anything goes.

So my observation is resignation of Flynn is classic "Pyrrhic victory" as "deep-state" and satanists gave up too much, outing themselves just to nail Flynn--they're already suffering much fm Pizza-gate scandal and exposure. So just spread the word about satanism, what it really is (subjectivism), and their main practical tool, the central bank, what it is, just legalized counterfeiting.

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