Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Mr. Goody: satanist postures as "Mr. Normal" so he can talk-down to Christians, but fails for simplest analysis, monopolized medicine necessary consequence of central-bank....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: Politically-Correct "Mr. Normal"
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 17)

Mr. Goody writes as last sentence for his blog-article, above: "Thanks Trump if you did that because it will make America great again."

Not sure what u mean by "that," Mr. Goody, unless it has to do w. Giuliani and Woolsey "leaving" Trump admin., and even though Giuliani is close buddies w. Trump and could re-appear at any time, though he's now 72 yrs old.

But gosh, Mr. Goody, HOW will America ever be "great again" except for Israel, eh? America was "great" when it was truly Christian and hence anti-semitic, wouldn't u say?

Oh, but Mr. Goody is always playing "Mr. Normal," even though he's satanically anti-Christ (though he hypocritically won't admit it), and it's comfortably "political-correct" for him to deny he's anti-semitic.

But now HOW did the culture get to the pt. where Big Bro. could push poison vaccines on the people, mass-murdering the people? Big Bro. then simply runs a huge, massive medical MONOPOLY, right?--part of Big Pharma, etc., right?--but HOW did this all happen, this huge, massive MONOPOLIZATION?

For isn't the monopolization of drugs, vaccines, and all things medical similar to monopolized Jews-media? Isn't the necessary cause and power behind it all for this monopolization the central-bank? (See for expo on central-banking.)

But Mr. Goody, playing "Mr. Normal," doesn't want to examine that central-banking topic and the general satanization of the culture most perfectly epitomized by ascendance of Jews, foremost satanists (see for expo).

1 comment:

  1. Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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    "Prankster" And "Pranking" Is Precisely Appropriate For Mr. Goody
    (Apollonian, 13 Jan 17)

    Mr. Goody: u may be "adult," but u're raging psychotic, w. all sorts of obvious, plain, and verifiable symptoms, buddy--u're un-questionably EVASIVE, ignoring numerous pt.s made, refusing to answer-up to simple questions.

    So are u denying u're HOSTILE to Christianity and Christians? After all, anyone can see how u try to evade this Christian issue in ur passive-aggressive manner, buddy. And u're Jew-friendly by ur own admission, so how are u not willing tool, dupe, and useful idiot for satanists and satanism?

    HOW are u "American"?--these are straight-forward questions which u evade and refuse to face and answer. U're no "American"; u're a Jew-friendly, anti-Christ traitor and liar, right?

    And WHY do u need to be told about Bible and "chem-trails," sucker?--why don't u simply make whatever pt. u want to be made? Yes, we know ur Jew and satanist friends are genociding the people according to Agenda-21, so what's ur pt., scum? Quit ur passive-aggression evasions and satanic dis-honesty and say what it is u think should be expressed, moron, ho ho ho ho ho

    U're un-questionably prankster pranking, pretending to being "Mr. Normal," aside fm being Mr. Goody, pretending to good, pretending to talking-down to Christians, which is how u think u prank Christians. And anyone would agree u're pranking Mike Rivero (, and probably, most of all, u're pranking urself.

    "Prank" is perfectly good and appropriate word and thought, and I'm sure readers (if there were any) would agree. U don't seem to have as many readers as they all seem to agree u're pretty worthless prankster, Mr. Goody. U're one who needs getting a "clue," buddy.

    -------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

    Anonymous Jan 13, 2017, 8:12:00 PM


    "Pranks" ?????

    What are you stupid all of a sudden? What kinda' dumbass word is that?

    You are a robotic slave that duplicates the words programmed into your mind - for example - "Pranks" -

    return to high school

    Anonymous Jan 13, 2017, 8:00:00 PM


    You are good - really good. But you are horrible at psychobabble.

    I am not sure if ANYONE is interested in these inane "observations" of yours, couched in jenune-ish teen-ager attacks.

    It is time for you to finally grow up if you wish to communicate with an adult.

    Get your bible out and look up "chemtrails" and tell me what you find.

