Sunday, January 8, 2017

What's significance of pizza-gate? everyone asks--it's confirmation of satanic take-over of the culture, stupid scum....

Significance of Pizza-gate?--Confirmation of satanic Cult Control Over Society
(Apollonian, 8 Jan 17)

So what's significance of pizza-gate?--simple: it confirms satanic cult control over all society, including, most tragically, the Christian establishment which is supposed to be the last-ditch defense. All the Christians?--they're just satanists now, and they don't even know it, poor scummy fools.

And it's irrefutable: those really are Podesta's e-mails, suckers--deal w. it, and let it sink-in, morons. Satanists rule--in-ur-face, suckers.

So what's significance of satanism?--it simply goes to showing the degradation of the culture and people, the total loss of the original, founding culture of West and USA, the Aristotelian, objective reality. For satanism is simply EXTREME SUBJECTIVISM, and this subjectivism now pervades and rules EVERYTHING the eyes can see for culture.

Subjectivism thus gets its foot-hold by means of moralism/Pharisaism and pretence of "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy ("Pelagianism")--it's a psychotic addiction for the legions of now over-populated stupid people, and now something will have to give, one way or another, as we see, as we approach currency-collapse, as of US petro-dollar and reserve currency status--say good-bye, suckers.

Thus the CYCLIC over-population has culminated, the people addicted, and we're headed for inevitable cultural collapse along w. economic collapse, and only solution is people grasping the real Christianity, the real Christian truth, as Christ = truth, which indicates the OBJECTIVE reality, the only hope, but which will fail for a lot of people, as we see, the poor fools not capable of grasping in all their subjectivistic, moralistic hubris and Pharisaism--they're addicted to it, u see, no less than queers and satanists are addicted to pedophilia, as now u cannot deny.

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