Monday, January 16, 2017

satanism: works well when it's mysterious (when there are lots of dumbasses); when it's understood, as science, then too many can understand, grasp....

Problem For satanism: It's Now Reduced To Science--Not Good For Continuing Success
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 17)

Satanism works best (for satanists) when folks, the masses of morons, find it MYSTERIOUS. Satanism doesn't thrive when it becomes understandable, when it's reduced to a science, hence technique/method. For satanism is just extreme subjectivism, too easily reduced to absurd.

See, the satanistic game works on stupid, hubristic scum, over-populated puke that u get in a "prosperous" society, this "prosperity" now arisen mostly out of imperial conquest, the population taught "good-evil," hence that they, since they're "victorious," are good. Such was the corrupt, perverted Roman society fm time of Christ--it's how Christianity arose, people realizing how corrupt things really were.

And now we have the American-Western cancer in the "post-modern" stage, having arisen out of the medieval, the Americans imagining they're "exceptional," filled w. hubris and Pharisaism, led along by Jews, etc.--it's a satanistic society, and problem is this time even the establishment Christians are utterly corrupt and satanist--like the Jesuit pope pushing climate-change, world gov., and a world central-bank, etc. Ck George Webb's web-site--he shows how this network of back-stabbers works.

Problem for satanists is the game gets too well-known, and too many people want "in" on it, taking major pay-offs, so the top satanists (head-quartered in Israel, NY, London, Paris, etc.) know they have to start knocking people off, back-stabbing and double-crossing those who were formerly buddies and allies. And this is a problem as the over-all war has to widen, more people get killed, there's less and less slaves, and the masterminds have less formerly over-populated morons and scum feeding them.

So now, at this pt. in the game of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, previously powered by satanism, we find ourselves at pt. of DECLINE of the "decline of the West"--satanism is too easily understood, known, and practiced by too many. There are too many masterminds at top who need to be fed by slaves, and there's declining number of slaves. Don't forget Agenda-21 pop.-reduction.

Thus as the scum, filth, and puke, among over-populated morons see their fellows being wiped-out in great masses, they start thinking, and thinking is dangerous for the satanic society. Satanism thus DECLINES when it's put to science, as we see it is now, satanism simply being founded in extreme subjectivism--it worked best when the dumb****s couldn't figure it out, didn't know what is going on.

So this is where we are now: DECLINE of satanism, decline of "Decline of the West." Satanism is getting too well-understood.

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