Monday, January 30, 2017

satanism grows fm hubris, which grows fm "prosperity," esp. that induced by central-banking (legalized counterfeiting)....

Extent Of Satanic Perversion, Corruption--Sad, Tragic, Alarming, But Also Dangerous
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 17)

Imagine and ponder the amazing satanic treason of the "globalists" present complaining about Trump's ban on Muslim "immigration" (invasion is more accurate)--who's kidding who?--and HOW is this even happening? Obviously it's Christian country, USA, made by and for Christians, etc., yet this sort of complaining by these traitors in favor of Muslim invasion is promoted openly and brazenly by the Jews-media--"fake news."

Perhaps that's most amazing thing, this Muslim invasion is so promoted, so prominently, in in-ur-face style. The powers behind this amazing, brazen campaign for treason and suicide MUST be, could only be psychotic old men, with too much money to wasting, like Soros and Kissinger, utterly out of their minds--to think they'll actually get-away w. this idiocy. But one easily sees the purpose for it all, this moronic campaigning by these old psychos and satanists.

Such agitation, as by Soros, et al., is part of an only dimly veiled military program for OVER-THROW, the demoralizing of the population and leadership, diversion to going along w. the direct, military action against the leadership, and to be imposed upon the people. And the program by Soros, et al., also obviously includes options for assassination, never doubt. Don't forget what happened in Ukraine, just for one instance of these Soros-inspired take-overs.

Soros needs be tossed in jail, obviously, but isn't--why?--how? Well, just look at the Jews behind Trump (beginning w. his son-in-law)--it's all part of their plan, obviously. For this country belongs to kikes, and they're just training us for being patient as these Jews run their little travesties for propaganda, etc.

But it all (such psychotic treason, etc.) only goes to show extent of the gross hubris which has taken such hold over so many people. And we see another condition for this moronic psychosis is the false prosperity, fueled by DEBT, issued by the central-bank, which gives these fools luxury of a middle-class sort of life-style so that they have the leisure time and ability to afford this sort of moronic agitation as they do.

Such then is the satanic empire at work: at this pt. it can't help itself, it can't moderate itself easily, for too many of the people are too pathetically affected by this idiotic hubris in all its various manifestations, but especially for the flat-footed, open-mouth gazing upon the situation as it plays out, by the goons, morons, and scum who've been bred-up by the conditions of false-prosperity, esp. the central-bank which has so brilliantly, infernally subsidized and financed it all.

Poor, dumb, brainless bastards--they can't figure-out they're over-populated and they're on schedule to being exterminated--they're just toooooooo goddam stupid to figure it out. That's why the central bank is so KEY to the problems, why it's got to be removed, and why real MONEY (hence gold/silver) has to be re-introduced as legal tender. And the states must be made sovereign for their powers to nullifying and seceding.

Finally, and along w. everything else, satanism must be isolated and identified as a key element of all the perversion, and thus understood for what it really is, extreme subjectivism, etc., by which one makes oneself God, this being done in practicality by means of collectivistic secret societies, beginning w. Jews and masons.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Pathetic to watch these cowardly phonies (like Trump) cringing before terrorism of kike filth who control things in EMPIRE OF LIES....

Trump Feeds satanists, Jews, Trump Totally Terrorized
(Apollonian, 27 Jan 17)

All u have to do is see in which Trump cringes before idea he's made out to being "racist" (ohhhhh noooooooo)--as if niggers have to be duly "respected" and paid homage. So we see Trump willingly, mindlessly plays the Jew/satanist game whence "racism" (which is merely loyalty to people and ancestors, according to dictionary) is equated w. non-existent "evil" within this great Jew S A, empire of LIES.

Thus Jews rule empire of lies, led now by their newest front-man, Trump, Trump having replaced the "globalist," Obola, along w. his suck-alongs like Ajax Jewns (, Jewns pushing "good-evil" delusion held by sooooo goddam many scum, fools, and dumbasses, so over-populated in this degenerate empire of putridity.

So we see Jews continue to rule Jew S A, it being mere game btwn "good" kikes vs. "bad" kikes--and this will continue long as central-bank continues. And central bank will continue long as there's so many stupid puke over-populating Jew S A, not grasping there's big diff. btwn real "money" (hence gold silver being best--see for expo) and mere currency manufactured by the central bank, literally legalized counterfeiting.

The sad pt. is that long as there's this central bank, legalized counterfeiting, continuing to manufacturing "currency," SATANISM WILL CONTINUE TO GROW, dumbasses (satanism defined as extreme subjectivism). And thus most horrific catastrophe is inevitable. With Jews u lose, morons; get a clue, fools.

Monday, January 16, 2017

satanism: works well when it's mysterious (when there are lots of dumbasses); when it's understood, as science, then too many can understand, grasp....

Problem For satanism: It's Now Reduced To Science--Not Good For Continuing Success
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 17)

Satanism works best (for satanists) when folks, the masses of morons, find it MYSTERIOUS. Satanism doesn't thrive when it becomes understandable, when it's reduced to a science, hence technique/method. For satanism is just extreme subjectivism, too easily reduced to absurd.

See, the satanistic game works on stupid, hubristic scum, over-populated puke that u get in a "prosperous" society, this "prosperity" now arisen mostly out of imperial conquest, the population taught "good-evil," hence that they, since they're "victorious," are good. Such was the corrupt, perverted Roman society fm time of Christ--it's how Christianity arose, people realizing how corrupt things really were.

And now we have the American-Western cancer in the "post-modern" stage, having arisen out of the medieval, the Americans imagining they're "exceptional," filled w. hubris and Pharisaism, led along by Jews, etc.--it's a satanistic society, and problem is this time even the establishment Christians are utterly corrupt and satanist--like the Jesuit pope pushing climate-change, world gov., and a world central-bank, etc. Ck George Webb's web-site--he shows how this network of back-stabbers works.

Problem for satanists is the game gets too well-known, and too many people want "in" on it, taking major pay-offs, so the top satanists (head-quartered in Israel, NY, London, Paris, etc.) know they have to start knocking people off, back-stabbing and double-crossing those who were formerly buddies and allies. And this is a problem as the over-all war has to widen, more people get killed, there's less and less slaves, and the masterminds have less formerly over-populated morons and scum feeding them.

So now, at this pt. in the game of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, previously powered by satanism, we find ourselves at pt. of DECLINE of the "decline of the West"--satanism is too easily understood, known, and practiced by too many. There are too many masterminds at top who need to be fed by slaves, and there's declining number of slaves. Don't forget Agenda-21 pop.-reduction.

Thus as the scum, filth, and puke, among over-populated morons see their fellows being wiped-out in great masses, they start thinking, and thinking is dangerous for the satanic society. Satanism thus DECLINES when it's put to science, as we see it is now, satanism simply being founded in extreme subjectivism--it worked best when the dumb****s couldn't figure it out, didn't know what is going on.

So this is where we are now: DECLINE of satanism, decline of "Decline of the West." Satanism is getting too well-understood.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Mr. Goody: satanist postures as "Mr. Normal" so he can talk-down to Christians, but fails for simplest analysis, monopolized medicine necessary consequence of central-bank....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: Politically-Correct "Mr. Normal"
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 17)

Mr. Goody writes as last sentence for his blog-article, above: "Thanks Trump if you did that because it will make America great again."

Not sure what u mean by "that," Mr. Goody, unless it has to do w. Giuliani and Woolsey "leaving" Trump admin., and even though Giuliani is close buddies w. Trump and could re-appear at any time, though he's now 72 yrs old.

But gosh, Mr. Goody, HOW will America ever be "great again" except for Israel, eh? America was "great" when it was truly Christian and hence anti-semitic, wouldn't u say?

Oh, but Mr. Goody is always playing "Mr. Normal," even though he's satanically anti-Christ (though he hypocritically won't admit it), and it's comfortably "political-correct" for him to deny he's anti-semitic.

But now HOW did the culture get to the pt. where Big Bro. could push poison vaccines on the people, mass-murdering the people? Big Bro. then simply runs a huge, massive medical MONOPOLY, right?--part of Big Pharma, etc., right?--but HOW did this all happen, this huge, massive MONOPOLIZATION?

For isn't the monopolization of drugs, vaccines, and all things medical similar to monopolized Jews-media? Isn't the necessary cause and power behind it all for this monopolization the central-bank? (See for expo on central-banking.)

But Mr. Goody, playing "Mr. Normal," doesn't want to examine that central-banking topic and the general satanization of the culture most perfectly epitomized by ascendance of Jews, foremost satanists (see for expo).

Sunday, January 8, 2017

What's significance of pizza-gate? everyone asks--it's confirmation of satanic take-over of the culture, stupid scum....

Significance of Pizza-gate?--Confirmation of satanic Cult Control Over Society
(Apollonian, 8 Jan 17)

So what's significance of pizza-gate?--simple: it confirms satanic cult control over all society, including, most tragically, the Christian establishment which is supposed to be the last-ditch defense. All the Christians?--they're just satanists now, and they don't even know it, poor scummy fools.

And it's irrefutable: those really are Podesta's e-mails, suckers--deal w. it, and let it sink-in, morons. Satanists rule--in-ur-face, suckers.

So what's significance of satanism?--it simply goes to showing the degradation of the culture and people, the total loss of the original, founding culture of West and USA, the Aristotelian, objective reality. For satanism is simply EXTREME SUBJECTIVISM, and this subjectivism now pervades and rules EVERYTHING the eyes can see for culture.

Subjectivism thus gets its foot-hold by means of moralism/Pharisaism and pretence of "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy ("Pelagianism")--it's a psychotic addiction for the legions of now over-populated stupid people, and now something will have to give, one way or another, as we see, as we approach currency-collapse, as of US petro-dollar and reserve currency status--say good-bye, suckers.

Thus the CYCLIC over-population has culminated, the people addicted, and we're headed for inevitable cultural collapse along w. economic collapse, and only solution is people grasping the real Christianity, the real Christian truth, as Christ = truth, which indicates the OBJECTIVE reality, the only hope, but which will fail for a lot of people, as we see, the poor fools not capable of grasping in all their subjectivistic, moralistic hubris and Pharisaism--they're addicted to it, u see, no less than queers and satanists are addicted to pedophilia, as now u cannot deny.

Monday, January 2, 2017

satanic consistency is un-canny, amazing--is it deliberate?--regardless, the effect is the same....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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The satanic Consistency Of Mr. Goody Demonstrated In Detail
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 2017)

And of course, Mr. Goody totally and, typically for him, overlooks the role and effect of the central-bank (see "money-power" of legalized counterfeiting, by which they literally just print-up and digitalize nearly all the currency (not real "money") they want and need to owning, controlling, and manipulating things--everything and everybody.

For examples, and going down the line for the text of his blog-article, note Mr. Goody writes,

"I found an article from them on a site called Reddit - another owned tool of our manipulative owners. Anyway here is the article where the "climate change scientists" are moaning about losing their funding for climate research."

So then, isn't "funding" rather controlled by the central-bank?--both directly and in-directly?

Further down, Mr. Goody writes, "TODAY SCIENCE IS ONLY ALLOWED IF YOU ARE SERVING AN APPROVED AGENDA." Don't powers behind the central-bank necessary control what's "approved"?

Mr. Goody then writes,

"Real science takes a backseat to politics - ALWAYS IN AMERICA. It all comes down to the power and the money the public be damned."

And doesn't this, just above, also indicate power of central-bank?

Down just a little further, Mr. Goody notes, "...but propaganda always wins in the end when too few control too much of the media. Same as is going on right now."

So who then "controls" if not the people behind the central-bank?--who necessarily, even if indirectly, controls the funding?

Mr. Goody next (in the article's text) writes,

"Whistleblowers have become targets of scorn in the public mind - because the crooks must own the media that makes whistleblowers seem like enemies of the very public they are trying to inform."

Observe, Mr. Goody notes (above) the crooks (a), but then doesn't mention (b) the central-bank.

Interestingly, Mr. Goody next tells us,

"Money is our God - like it or not - and if mass murder is necessary to make a few bucks - don't worry - the law enforcement people are right on board as long as you are stealing billions and the media is owned by the perps. So no progress will ever be made in this category unless...."

UNLESS satanically-manipulated fools like Mr. Goody duly and effectively pt.-out that satanic central-bank instrument, eh?

The fool rather writes, "Unless Trump gets on the phone with the FCC and tells them to break up this media." But why not simply remove the central-bank which provides the criminals w. all the funds, dumbass? Doesn't it occur to the moron the FCC is a tool of the powers for keeping the press in line?

Mr. Goody then writes,

"Why is it that when driving across this chemtrail sprayed wasteland is it that all that is available on the airwaves is hot air from that fat-mouthed Limbaugh and Hannity and those clowns?

Is it (above) because of the central-bank and the financing it provides to the strategic people?--think that has anything to doing w. it all, Mr. Goody, u utterly brainless fool?

"Forget the two party system - we have a no party system because it seems we have nobody actually looking out for the good of the public," writes Mr. Goody.

But actually, we have deliberately ignorant morons like Mr. Goody who consistently FAILS to pt.-ing out the effects of the central-bank--think that's part of the problem?

Mr. Goody, a little later on, says,

"Eventually as reality trumps the facts - as always happens eventually - the public will see through the lies - but as usual - and as planned - it will be too late to take action against the perps. That seems to be the system we live in."

Yes, Mr. Goody, perhaps, but it's also because of satanically manipulated morons and fools like u, too, eh?--failing as u do to pt.-ing out the central-bank scam.

Mr. Goody tells us, "But like most priests - the scientists are paid by the very people we would like them to investigate." And note dumbass Mr. Goody CONTINUES to ignore and not mention the central-bank which ultimately provides for all the "paying."

In an amazing, lucid passage, Mr. Goody tells us,

"...our scientists that are not building bombs or lying about the weather for profit are pinned down - surrounded by their fellow cowards and cannot do real science or they may lose their funding.

"What kind of a crappy system is this? Wouldn't it be a step toward making America great again by supporting TRUTH and cutting the ability of these donors to control the flow of information the public needs to take decisions that will work for them?"

Again, Mr. Goody fails perfectly, ignoring the central-bank.

So we see how PERFECTLY (and satanically) Mr. Goody fails for mentioning the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting--is it deliberate?--it sure is un-canny--how could someone be soooooooooo goddam stupid? And note all throughout his article, Mr. Goody observes the stupidity of the people, not even suspecting his own, which is ten-times worse, as he's had it explained to him, about the central-bank, literally DOZENS of times, ho ho ho ho--is this pathetic?--is it satanic? It is absolutely satanic, without any doubt.

Such then is Mr. Goody, willing tool, dupe, and "useful idiot" for satanists. Q.E.D.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Mr. Goody has satanic difficulty for down-playing Christianity, but then saying one should rather practice such Christianity, hmmmmmmm....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody's Feathers Are All Ruffled As He's Exposed As Hypocrite
(1 Jan 2017)

Mr. Goody again presumes, in one place, at least, to understanding the "teachings" of Christ, and asserts I'm "disconnected" therefrom, ho ho ho.

But Mr. Goody, u don't seem to understand the "teachings" of Christ. So far as we understand, u have nothing but contempt for Christ (= truth), his teachings, Christians, and Christianity. Hence HOW can u "reconcile"?--and regarding the very "division" u pt'd up, aren't u the problem?--why do u suck-along w. satanism/subjectivism hence enemies of USA, properly understood?

So is it my fault u hate TRUTH (= Christ)?--that's my "comm. method," sucker, truth. So if there's something not truthful, then say what it is.

In ur very next sentence, u essentially admit u don't grasp "teachings" of Christ when u say, "whatever that is," ho ho ho

Then the little girl gets nasty and says I should "ram" what he calls "religion," ho ho ho ho.

But it isn't "religion," sucker--and u're a liar. I speak (write) to u in simple matter-of-fact terms. U're an anti-Christ, as u've essentially admitted, and U'RE THE PROBLEM, as I've noted, sucking-along w. the satanic traitors and criminals who are behind all the "chem-trail" spraying, etc.

But we see why u get angry as u pretend to being "good" in ur usual hypocrital manner, but then u're confronted w. the actual facts, u being sympathetic w. the satanists who do the "chem-trail" spraying.

-------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Mr. Goody-----------

Anonymous Jan 1, 2017, 3:29:00 PM


So, in other words, if someone is unedumacated,and they haven't been "adjusted" in some way according to your standards - they are somehow deficient in pointing out your disconnect with Christ and Christ's teachings, although you take Christianity as a shield with which to defend your horrible communications methods.

That sounds VERY Christian to me, as most Christians are exactly like you - whatever that is - mean, intolerant and condescending.

Take your religion and ram it up your ****.