Monday, December 26, 2016

Mr. Goody: is good example of how satanists win, what they use, what they work w. in the corrupt culture of weaklings....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: What Is He Really "Good" For?--Well, Let's See...
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 16)

Mr. Goody says: "The chemtrails - I noticed you side-stepped that and other important topics - as usual." -Mr. Goody, fm above, Dec 26, 2016, 4:41:00 PM

One of the tell-tale trademarks of ur psychotic nature, Mr. Goody, is how u so easily and readily TOTALLY forget everything about what's previously, and not that long ago, either, been written IN UR OWN BLOGS, no less. Have u noticed that? Ho ho ho ho ho

For now that I think about it, I note I've actually written quite a lot about GMOs, toxic vaccines, and the toxic chem-trails, NUMEROUS TIMES in ur blogs, sucker--but u've forgotten all about it, because u have no solid sense of any serious, objective reality, do u?--to u, everything is about being normal and politically-correct, even as u deny it (being politically-correct), and "good," eh Mr. Goody? Ho ho ho ho ho oho

For EVERYTHING about u, Mr. Goody, is SUBJECTIVE--that's all u care about--and that's because all u care about is "good-evil," and how it appears to others. And everything u write about u just now thought-up on occasion of ur latest writing, right? Ho ho ho ho oho. U TOTALLY forget what was written even in ur last blog, ho ho ho ho ho

Everything u do, in way of ur "writing" efforts, is for Mike Rivero, who u think is impressed by ur anti-Christianity and way u talk-down to Christians and thus pretend to "criticize" Christianity, about which Christianity u actually know NOTHING--just platitudinous stupid crap which u imagine stupid Christians think about and/or imagine, ho ho ho ho oho. U're such a joke, Mr. Goody, sooooooooooo predictable, ho ho ho ho ho

And u have the gall to write, above: "WITHOUT RECONCILIATION OUR NATION WILL FURTHER DIVIDE." Ho ho ho ho ho

"Reconciliation"?--u don't want that, Mr. Goody. U rather want to appear "GOOD" and morally "virtuous," right? Ho ho ho ho ho--u want to impress Mike Rivero so he'll publicize ur idiot anti-Christian babbling, that's all.

So we see u point-up this theme of "reconciliation," but rather want to push anti-Christ political-correctness and "moral virtue," right?--that's ur real object, isn't it? Ho ho ho oho ho

And u can't handle (u don't seem to have the intelligence) the satanist (extreme subjectivism) issue; thus u end up the TOOL of the satanists and Jews, don't u?--and this u do quite WILLINGLY, we see, always acting the girl in ur passive-aggressive mode, ho ho ho ho.

So u see, Mr. Goody: U'RE THE PROBLEM, buddy--and u refuse to face it. Hence u're actually the perfect picture of the real problem--HUBRIS in all ur pretended "moralist" virtue, ho ho ho ho oho--soooooooooooo politically-correct as u are, even while u lie and deny u're politically-correct, blaming Christians while not even knowing what Christianity is, defending Jews, queers, and satanists, ho ho ho ho ho.

So what else can we do w. u, Mr. Goody, but to (a) make fun of u as u deserve for all ur idiot, brainless hypocrisy, and (b) to pt. out to people what u say, how u act, and how it all fits in culturally, psychologically, and sociologically. Such is "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, u being perfect case-in-pt. Ho ho ho ho ho ho

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