Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Stupid, hubris-filled satanist tool reveals much about state of present culture....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody Reveals Himself For Lies, Contempt, satanic Culture
(Apollonian, 28 Dec 16)

"Is that what it means to be a Christian? I'm trying to understand you Christians." -Mr. Goody, fm above, Dec 28, 2016, 6:53:00 PM

Thus fm above quote by Mr. Goody, we see far better, more clearly what he's really all about--he's stinking liar and tool of satanism, of course, but we see here more clearly just how the satanists work.

Mr. Goody, of course, first of all lies, pushing "good-evil," and he specializes in lecturing and talking-down to Christians--why Mike Rivero ( occasionally features his blog. Now we see the lying fool, Mr. Goody, pretends he wants to "understand" Christians in his distinctive passive-aggressive mode.

What this idiot, Mr. Goody, forgets is that HE'D BETTER understand Christianity if he knows what's good for him, the scummy little P.O.S., ho ho ho ho

For there couldn't be a better demonstration for the low level of respect for USA's founding culture is there?--than this passive-aggressive patronizing satanist tool, Mr. Goody, telling people about his alleged facts of reality.

Mr. Goody's passive-aggressive patronizing only goes to show how little fear satanists have for the Christian people, and I submit we urgently need to change this state of affairs.

For what has happened, folks?--I say (again) it's perfect picture of hubris within "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. USA has become Jew S A, led about by the nose by Jews and Israel, as we see.

And we see satanists gloating and exulting--even though they seem to have lost a good deal in latest elections. Yet Jews still have strong influence over Trump, a couple of his children married to the anti-Christ scum. But it's good at least to see masterminds fall-out among themselves, there being "no honor among thieves."

For soon enough proverbial excrement will hit "fan" as US Dollar ("petro-dollar") collapses as reserve-currency, a terrible devaluation and doubling and tripling of prices, perhaps even worse.

But such horrible turmoil is what had to happen given the corruption and perversion we know about all too well.

States-rights, nullification of un-Constitutional laws, and real (gold/silver) money will serve Christians and patriots best of all--against satanic filth and scum.

So I say to scum like Mr. Goody: u seek understanding of Christians, Christianity?--well, I suggest u work to gain that info a.s.a.p., sucker, if u know what's good for u, ho oho ho ho ho

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