Monday, December 26, 2016

American madness, hypocrisy, hubris yet expresses itself soooooooooo poignantly....

Below essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody Brilliantly, But Un-Knowingly Expresses His Gross Hypocrisy
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 16)

Hey Mr. Goody: why do u tell us stuff like, fm above, "Don't believe me? Consider this: CDC admits last year's flu shot was one of the most ineffective vaccines to date"

or "Want some proof? Consider this: Editor in Chief of Worlds best known medical journal: Half of all research is false:"

Do u remember all the facts I've given u about Jews and satanists?--how Judaism is just a kind of satanism (satanism being extreme subjectivism).

But then u sum it up for urself too, don't u? "The fact is that in their heart [like ur own, Mr. Goody] they still trust these monsters [like the Jews and satanists who rule Jew S A] to protect them - despite these monsters being outed in the past by researchers - but the propaganda sweeps it away - never to be remembered..."

So u see, Mr. Goody, how well u describe the very thing which I observe about u--only u want to pretend it's better or more appropriately applied to others, eh?

Amazing how that all works, eh?--are u a hypocrite?--un-questionably, without the slightest doubt, buddy. And only time is going to tell as Jew S A continues "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the economy getting evermore desperate, the dumb****s (like urself) finding out, as they will, what it's like to being POOR, prices soon enough doubling and tripling.

What is it that keeps u urself, Mr. Goody, sooooooooooo secure in ur stupidity and ignorance--which u complain about regarding the people u speak of, above? Well, u think u're sooooooo "good," right?--Mr. "normal," ho ho ho ho

And I can assure u, Mr. Goody, the people u complain about, as u do, above, more resemble u than u imagine, buddy--feeling soooooooooo "secure" in their way, not terribly un-like u urself.

So are u frustrated?--if so, then u can understand our own frustration at folks like u who pretend u're "good," and that it's sooooooooooo "cool" to not being anti-semitic, eh?

It's truly interesting u see so much the VERY SAME problem in others, as u so well describe, above, which u suffer for urself.

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