Saturday, November 5, 2016

Will satanists win this election?--they're certainly trying and working hard--and lots of folks KNOW, too....

satanism Working For Election Fraud--Will They Succeed?--Stay Tuned
(Apollonian, 5 Nov 16)

Satanists are all in on this election--what a joke. For anyone who takes things seriously KNOWS Trump is way ahead in voter support. HOW do we "know"?--by means of strategic polls, as done by Trump himself, for one, but mostly and especially by looking at the support given by people at the rallies. Hitlery is the satanic candidate, of Soros, CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), Trilaterals, et al. So question is merely how far the satanists will push this gross fraud. We're going to see and find-out for sure extent of satanist control at the local and state level.

FOX News pushes the fraud, along w. all the other Jews-media, to effect things are tight, regarding these phony "polls," including even Alexei Jones of, though he will hedge and sometimes admit the real numbers are Trump way out ahead. Of course, purpose of the phony polls is to make the vote- and election-fraud seem plausible.

Tex. gov. hasn't arrested the vote officials here in Tex. despite the reports of fraud and vote-flipping, so far. Most disturbing is judges now have effectively banned exit-polling, at least for some states or places, calling it "intimidation," all at behest of hitlery and satanists. Fix is in. Such corrupt judges naturally should be executed for treason.

Regardless, surely, far more people are aware of the fraud and general, prevailing satanism. Even Alexei Jones is covering the more lurid aspects of such satanism, of course not really analyzing it for simple subjectivist essence. Alexei really isn't too bright, everything considered, regardless his own high opinion of himself. Alexei Jones, proof of the "Peter Principle."

So people KNOW--they know enough, and enough people know--about the satanic power working to take-over, and it's Jews at the center of it: Judaism = subjectivism = satanism. Jews and satanism hate truth, hence freedom, hence humanity. Stupid people need to learn subjectivism = satanism = lies = death, but they're stupid, poor scum. So the stupid puke will learn the hard-way, I'm afraid--such is lesson of CYCLIC history, according to Oswald Spengler and "Decline of the West."

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