Wednesday, November 2, 2016

satanists, Jews, "powers, principalities" obscure the proper meaning, place, function of hatred, extremely useful emotion, reciprocal of "love" of St. Paul....

satanic Power, Principality: Real Meaning Of Political Correctness--Enforced By Jews
(Apollonian, 2 Nov 16)

St. Paul tells us that as Christians we're supposed to "love," hoh o ho ho ho--but this needs some explaining. For one can't love just anything or everything, can one? Ho ho ho ho ho No: for "love" needs be understood in proper context--along w. good old hatred--love-hate is same basic emotion, they being reciprocals. And hatred has its value and place which satanists don't want to admit.

I think St. Paul wanted to contrast things w. the Pharisaic hatred of humanity, as we know fm kikes, who hate humanity--as we see as in way they just stole the land fm Palestinians, for example, and golly, but if u bring the subject up u'll be slapped-down, and nothing ever comes of such subject-matter and discussion--but hatred and contempt by Jews. Thus one learns to hate Jews--IF one is (a) human and hence (b) HONEST. So Christianity then merely lends a temperance (part of the sublime Holy Spirit) to such hatred, hatred considered in a larger context, Christianity upholding TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

For after all, why not just exterminate the Jews and/or Judaism? Thus Judaism/Talmudism deserves extermination, if nothing else. See for expo on Talmud, basis of Judaism.

Thus we see the Jew-centric, -oriented world whence humans are required to accept Jew over-lordship, hence "political-correctness" (PC), and one isn't allowed to talk seriously about this Jew dictatorship and hegemony. This Jew-orientedness is essence then of PC and Satanism (extreme subjectivism by which one is God unto oneself, all reality mere emanation of consciousness/mentality) which rules our world so pathetically and sublimely.

And if one looks and sees, hating Jews was very much key to Christian/Western prosperity and security up until the fateful French Revolution (1789) whence Jews broke free to rule, even if behind the scenes, as the Rothschilds, and in name of Kantian mysticism (anti-reason) and MORALISM. Nowadays, since WWII at least, Jews rule openly. Christianity is simply subverted for proper understanding, Christians made to fighting one another so brilliantly by Jews.

Even before 1789, Jews were working their way to hegemony by means of their banking scam, legalized counterfeiting, fractional-reserve money and banking, leading to central banking (see, as of Bank of England in 1696. And of course, fractional-reserve banking always existed, but Jews made it genuinely powerful as Jews were most organized for their satanism, hubris, and thorough-going subjectivism. Subject of MONEY is not easy to explain, grasp, and understand.

For gentiles can be subjectivists, but they're typically nihilistic, dis-organized, and quite irrational as in way of outright madness--thus subject to leadership by Jews. For Jews are most sublimely organized, naturally collectivistic, and diabolical for their reasoning, as their Talmud demonstrates and teaches. Thus Jews are leaders of organized crime, as central-banking is most sublime criminal enterprise.

Thus "hatred" is treated in a special, PC manner, as by Jews, seldom mentioned but in off-hand and contemptuous manner, practically held to be synonymous w. "evil" itself, though "evil" doesn't actually mean anything of substance, as it doesn't really exist--but that's another subject-matter, part of the non-existent "good-evil" fallacy involving the hubris of a non-existent perfectly "free" will, part of the fallacious Kantian-type moralism which prevails in the gov.-funded schools and idiot-factories.

So hatred has it's proper value, place, meaning, use, and function which the anti-Christ and Jew influence has veiled, clouded, traduced, and obscured, esp. by means of keeping Christianity mis-understood for it's true rationalist value and place in larger Western culture. Perhaps most of all, Christianity has been mis-understood, for one great thing, for it's proper and necessary anti-semitism. Funny thing is many Jews will admit Christianity is anti-semitic, but they do so in such a resentful and bitter manner as if they expect the stupid Christian-styled scum (as they're not really Chrisitan and honest) to fall all over themselves insisting and repeating Christianity is NOT anti-semitic.

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