Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Trump did pretty well campaigning, but might have done better for emphasizing the satanic element to hitlery....

Trump Could Have Exposed, Emphasized satanic Element More
(Apollonian, 8 Nov 16)

Trump did a good job campaigning, I suppose, but could have done better had he more emphatically denounced satanism and associated hitlery w. that satanism. But the Jews no doubt discouraged Trump fm that sort of association and analysis as it would have pt'd up Jews and the Jew element to satanism, as it would have led to clarification for the common basic principles of the two, satanism and Judaism, for that principle is simple: extreme subjectivism, the idea that all reality is emanation of one's own consciousness/mentality, thus that one is God, creating one's own reality. Jews as well as satanists cannot stand exposure.

For Jews are most practical subjectivists, maintaining a sort of sanity about them, unlike many gentile satanists, as their subjectivism is far more collectivistic, not so much making any particular individual to being God, but rather the whole Judaic people as God. Thus Jews are most organized, Jews always the leading criminals who control organized crime, topmost enterprise being central-banking, that legalized counterfeiting, as present US Federal Reserve Bank (the "fed," see for expo) which controls all the rest of organized criminality and lots of the un-organized sort too, actually.

Regardless, that clarification, hence exposure of satanism and the subjectivist element is inevitable, and as it inexorably happens the false and satanic Christianity will itself be exposed, and those phony Christians won't like that.

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